Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [adj] for a " in BNC.

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1 Social skills are relatively unimportant for a salesperson ?
2 Now some clubs are quite happy for an ad to be there and for the golf club name to be there .
3 You need to consider what activities are most suitable for a particular time of day .
4 Plans are reportedly afoot for a new soap called ‘ Ministry ’ .
5 Plans are now afoot for an important exhibition of Canaletto in England and another devoted to the more unexpected theme of dogs in art , enterprisingly planned to coincide with Crufts ' arrival at the NEC early next year .
6 Again , we are reminded too late that the risks associated with high short-term rewards are often unacceptable for a public company .
7 The fry are rather small for a mouthbrooder , but can take newly hatched brine shrimp .
8 Osteopaths and chiropractors believe that their methods are also therapeutic for a variety of disorders besides back pain .
9 Single horse floats are too claustrophobic for a horse , and there is no room for a companion .
10 These new compounds were often specific for a particular kind of leukaemia , and sometimes they were so effective that remissions appeared to be permanent .
11 Andrew Neil is very litigious for an editor ( ‘ Randy Andy Gets a Grandy ’ , you may remember , as The Sun put it in January ) , so although Pamella told me lots of … interesting things about him , I 'd better tread carefully .
12 If the lavatory is too low for an elderly person , a raised polypropylene toilet seat which fits over it , but is easy to remove and to wash , can be very useful , and a chromium-plated hand-grip fixed very securely to the wall at the side of the lavatory can also be helpful .
13 Being in practice is also important for a first flight in a new and unfamiliar type of aircraft .
14 According to the DoT 's own guidelines such a figure is too much for a dual carriageway .
15 The Salers is quite large for a mountain breed : mature bulls stand at 152cm and weigh 1,000–1,200kg , and cows 142cm and 650–800kg .
16 Savognia was exceptionally tall for an Italian and stood well above Ludovico .
17 The boat was too small for a long journey , and I did not want to die at sea .
18 If we decided through the first of these two methods , which begins with moral assessment of each individual 's record one by one , that each shareholder was indeed responsible for a share of the loss , then we might well report our conclusion in the language of personification .
19 But Rovers are still well-placed for a drive towards honours in the second half of the season .
20 The drills are too expensive for a smallholding , and even in the hands of a contractor , the technique ( including spraying ) is not cheaper than conventional tillage .
21 These promotions may sometimes have resulted from family connections securing the nomination from Cnut , or to local influence being so important for a bishop that there was a natural tendency to choose a local man .
22 It was ‘ ex-chief whip 's talk ’ , she said , as if the use of that kind of skill were too sullying for a delicately brought-up gal like her .
23 In this case the circumstances were peculiarly favourable for a forgery to be worthwhile .
24 The family who live there have always felt the castle 's gardens were just right for a musical performance .
25 Really just I mean a roller blind 's just too the window 's too wide for a roller blind .
26 Nevertheless , the plan is too wide for a tragedy-centred book even on Nietzsche 's terms , and , as such , it is certainly a piece of evidence in favour of his sister 's postulate of a full-scale book about Greece .
27 Directors justify holding regional competitions by saying Brazil is too big for a fully blown national championship .
28 Examination of the theories which purport to provide an answer to this question is nonetheless important for a number of reasons .
29 The test is equally valid for a set of restrictions .
30 The role of Treasurer over the years has grown from overseeing simple book-keeping to an extensive involvement and the contributions of Leslie Wise , A.J. Chapman , Albert ( Bert ) Ford and currently Jim Grey , have been valuable indeed and it is not surprising that Arthur Chapman felt the work was too demanding for an Honorary Treasurer , although what each does might vary depending on what bias the secretary brings to his post .
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