Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to financial support , personnel are sometimes seconded to projects and charities .
2 Prisoners are now sent to prison as a punishment , not for punishment .
3 Privity of estate means that there is tenure between the parties , i.e. that the relationship of landlord and tenant exists between them ; cases in this category are thus confined to leases and tenancies .
4 The principles described above still apply in that skills are especially suited to analysis , and can be assessed more easily than the other domains by objective tests .
5 In the cutical-chitin chains are apparently joined to proteins by covalent linkages involving aspartic acid and histidine ( Rudall , 1963 ) .
6 Frontline , produced quarterly , has 14,000 readers , mainly Dixons staff in Britain , through copies are also sent to Silo , the company 's American subsidiary , and to City analysts and stockbrokers .
7 The Attorney General for England states that cases are often brought to trial which , from being imperfectly got up , break down , and thus cause the acquittal of guilty parties .
8 Although occupational pension schemes are increasingly common , levels of payment are often linked to earnings in the most recent years of work .
9 Although few characters from the professions appear to influence demi-caractère dance ( their activities are usually confined to character works ) , the Navy and Army have regularly inspired choreographers. first comes the Navy' .
10 The Government generally take the view that matters of pay and hours are better left to negotiation between employers and employees , or by their representatives , and that they should certainly not be dealt with in legislation or in codes of practice provided for in statute .
11 In larvae of the Hymenoptera Apocrita and the higher Diptera the antennae are often reduced to minute tubercles or are atrophied .
12 In aquarium conditions such attempts are usually doomed to failure due to bacteria attacking the severed portions before the wounds heal .
13 I mean is it going to be a case that market values are actually going to work to our advantage ?
14 Obviously infarct size and subsequent left ventricular function are closely related to prognosis .
15 Since the effects of the damage are largely restricted to language , the disruption can not affect the whole brain , so in that sense we are justified in thinking of the brain as consisting of functionally independent modules .
16 They act , in Scott 's phrase ( 1982 , p. 125 ) , as ‘ internal capitalists ’ ; even if they do not hold major shareholdings their rewards are closely tied to company profitability .
17 Irish pop groups are forever going to Germany now . ’
18 Many of these differentiating characteristics are closely linked to personality and can not be homogenized out of existence , although their significance as factors fragmenting proletarian unity can vary widely .
19 Jewry 's role in the revolutions of the 19th and 20th Centuries are also brought to light , from leading the 1798 French Revolution to the origins of Communism and the 1917 Russian Revolution , a revolution financed by New York 's Jewish-owned Wall Street Banks and led by imported American Jewish revolutionaries .
20 These methods are well suited to computers and often have the advantage that , should an error occur , at worst it lengthens the computations a little .
21 It provides a standard method for treating contaminated soils , sands , and solids ; it provides treatment for surface contamination , while other methods are more suited to subsurface treatment ; and it also requires a relatively low level of technology , meaning less can go wrong with the process .
22 Readers are also referred to Smith ( 1985 ) for a full and very personal account of the broad ethical issues which he feels are raised when white academic researchers study poor non-white minority communities in Britain .
23 I have long been suspicious of the official line that terminal bonuses are directly attributed to investment surplus and that poor value on death or on policy premium amendment is the price for higher returns if you are lucky enough to make it to retirement .
24 Once he and his family and animals are ritually stoned to death and burned and buried under a great heap of stones , then God 's anger evaporates , and the people are able to attack Ai again , and deliver up its inhabitants , men , women , and children , to the same fate as met those of Jericho ( 8.1–29 ) .
25 With the French links well established in East Lothian , eyes are now turning to Rosignano , Musselburgh 's other twin town in north Italy .
26 On the basis of studies carried out in the UK , Europe and the US , the report concludes that car drivers are regularly exposed to levels of pollution up to 18 times higher than cyclists .
27 and she said er , and I said , I said Dave said you were a bloody fool to go up there , you let mother talk you into going , Terry had a job here , he , alright you had your house , you had your ups and downs , it was a bit small , you persevere with it , I said your kids are nearly going to school all of them , so I said , you do n't need a big house
28 The entries are periodically posted to accounts held in ledgers , usually in an integrated accounting system which is the responsibility of the accounts department .
29 The entries are periodically posted to accounts held in ledgers , usually in an integrated accounting system which is the responsibility of the accounts department .
30 Garden centre managers need to know that wildflower seeds have to be grown from native stock ; that highly ornate ‘ mock-Tudor ’ nest-boxes put nestlings ' lives at risk by attracting predators ; that the natural balance of a pond is not best served by chemical algicides ; that salted peanuts are a killer for birds ; that eco-friendly insecticides are a contradiction in terms ; and that wildflowers and buddleias are little help to wildlife if they 're grown in peat-based compost .
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