Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [verb] [adv] but " in BNC.

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1 The coal and nuclear programmes are currently performing unimpressively but this could change .
2 Most of the signals are only noted subconsciously but , with a little effort , it is quite easy to become more aware of them so that , should a warning bell ring at the back of your head , you will know it is time to be careful .
3 Overseas visitors are still coming here but they 're staying for shorter periods and spending less money .
4 The crews were still rowing well but as Cambridge 's bend began to end , Oxford drew level again .
5 Much to his surprise , he found Burn was already staying there but ‘ laid up with a severe illness ’ , so he arranged to meet him on the following Monday .
6 Once a boy was almost carted away but the Headmaster changed his mind at the last moment .
7 This particular investigation is rarely performed nowadays but can still be useful in cases of treatment-resistant urethritis .
8 Unionists are also taken aback but Fermanagh-South Tyrone MP Ken Maginnis said : ‘ It has not been my personal experience that the RUC Special Branch gambles with the lives of potential IRA victims .
9 The personal-impersonal nature of Gandhi 's descriptions of God is clearly illustrated here but the point already made earlier can be reiterated , namely , that it is not important to him whether God is conceived of in personal or impersonal terms since neither superiority nor inferiority of expression is implied in either case .
10 The method is perfectly structured internally but has no necessary connection to anything outside itself ; there is no analytical purchase on it from without .
11 The gang were eventually rounded up but Leatherslade Farm went down in history .
12 In other words , syntactic analysis is always carried out but it may not be used in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
13 In the discussion about the exercise of governors ' powers , the headteacher was usually brought in but other teachers left out .
14 Her rolled-up handkerchief was already soaked through but she went on twisting it round and round in her fingers and dabbing at her wet face .
15 One sees that the fluctuations are now occurring throughout but with a trend towards less regularity .
16 The old structure is still working well but now something is diverting some of the energy and effort .
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