Example sentences of "[noun] be [adj] [conj] [pron] does " in BNC.

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1 His eyes are open but he does not move .
2 Yet the shepherd is sure that he does , and so they have a short argument , which ends with Moses telling the shepherd to hide behind the bushes to find out whether in fact God does come to drink the milk .
3 ‘ Also , if she thinks that all that matters is high marks , then she will feel her work is substandard if she does not achieve them . ’
4 Sophie saw him look anxiously at an upper window as he acknowledged the introduction , then he said ‘ We have to speak very quietly as our little girl is asleep and she does n't know that Sandy is ill . ’
5 Using a mouse is optional but it does make the game more playable .
6 Using a mouse is optional but it does make the game more playable .
7 It was love I felt ; yes , when I have read your books I feel more loving , and it is no use being alive if one does n't feel that . ’
8 In my view the authenticity argument is invalid because it does not distinguish between the two questions : it confuses ends and means and assumes that teaching language for communication is the same as teaching language as communication ( cf.
9 Section 2 of the Act expands on the meaning of " new " and says that an invention is new if it does not form part of the " state of the art " ; this expression comprises all matter which has been made available to the public in the United Kingdom or elsewhere , by written or oral description , by use or in any other way .
10 What he brought to the Card Trio was what the singers also brought , which is dramatic tension ; and yet its subtlety is such that it does not draw attention to itself , but simply contributes to the dramatic fabric of the whole .
11 This warm water now in the eastern Pacific usually occurs near Christmas time , although its arrival is unpredictable and it does not come every year .
12 He said , like coming to this well for your jug of water every day it 's alright while i , the jug , there 's some in the jug , but when you 've drunk it all the jug 's empty and it does n't do a thing for you !
13 The language of a classical play is challenging but it does give the student chance to see how early voice training can be used with a very demanding text .
14 Some historians remain sceptical about this , while others are convinced that it does , and that an early form of military organisation was based upon the herred system ; that it appears in southern Norway and Västergötland in Sweden too has led to the contention that it was introduced there in Viking times , perhaps by Swegen or Cnut .
15 The idea that there is something of a lag between terminology and social system is interesting and there does indeed sometimes seem to be this type of gap .
16 Erm so that 's fine , to have a harsher lighting on his face is fine cos it does tend to show up the er the wrinkles in his forehead , under his eyes and his whiskers which is fine because when erm my old portraits of this nature , that 's the sort of thing you 're trying to emphasize .
17 Certainly UV microscopy is attractive because it does not require elaborate vacuum arrangements , but inorganic materials such as calcite often show only very weak UV luminescence , so UV microscopy is not a general substitute for CL work .
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