Example sentences of "[noun] be [verb] [prep] a long " in BNC.

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1 In this type of study , trend values of consumption and income are collected over a long period of time so that most cyclical fluctuations are smoothed out .
2 Again a scientist stands at the point which has at present been reached within a long tradition of enquiry .
3 Somewhere , perhaps a mile away down the Beirut front line , shells were bursting in a long , low rumble that ever so slightly changed the air pressure in rue Trablos .
4 Their voices were rising in a long , edged , lifting cry like seagulls before a storm .
5 The Tynedale Fenwicks and the Liddesdale Elliots were involved for a long time in a savage , unyielding feud ; and the Armstrongs , among their many clashes , quarrelled simultaneously with the Scottish Turnbulls and Johnstones and with the English Bells , while the Bells were also feuding with the English Grahams .
6 This experiment was conducted over a longer time period ( ten days ) , starting with young plants .
7 The wool was wound on a long stick called a distaff .
8 The look-out towers were provided with clocks , and the fortified entrance was turned into a long porte cochère with projecting canopies .
9 The blocks were placed in a long tray which was just wide enough to accommodate them and the tray was then subjected to a series of sharp shocks , very similar to the succussion process .
10 During his years of experimentation , Alexander was led to a long consideration of the whole question of direction .
11 Thomas Huxley , the great biologist , whose household was dominated by a long series of cats over a period of forty years , described how one of them , a young tabby tom-cat , developed the alarming game of jumping on the shoulders of his dinner-guests and refusing to dismount until they fed him some titbit .
12 As the ice slowly melts the plants are watered over a long period .
13 It points out , however , that decommissioning costs are spread over a long period , while those of reprocessing spent fuel are more immediate .
14 This article is taken from a longer piece first published in The Independent on 19 February 1990 .
15 On the west side are the twin escarpments of Fell End Clouds and Stennerskeugh Clouds , and on the east a broad shelf is pitted by a long line of shakeholes and potholes , the Angerholme Pots .
16 But each individual foster-parent is descended from a long line of ancestors many of whom never encountered a cuckoo in their lives .
17 British case at least , the problem of national or ethnic difference was masked for a long period by development occurring in the peripheries at the same rate and in similar ways to development in industrial England .
18 From then on , Stafford Road was flanked by a long black corrugated iron fence .
19 Yeah but what I 'm saying is erm the orange disk was flashing for a long while before the buzzer
20 It is a big bridal veil , but my picture was taken from a long way off .
21 Only a small minority of the wines are kept for a long time as vintage wines .
22 Wheat was cut with a toothed sickle and bound by hand , barley and oats were cut with a long scythe and cradle and bound by hand .
23 I imagine that you would also be aware that the only reason the Pentagon produces such figures is to extract from a long suffering American tax-payer billions upon billions of extra dollars in order to pursue its own lunatic military fantasies .
24 Similarly , events arising out of long-standing difficulties would increase risk of depression : where , for instance , a husband left home after years of arguing and discord ; a child was arrested for burglary after a long history of behavioural problems at home and school ; or a substantial fine was incurred after a long period of extreme financial difficulty ( Brown et al. , 1987 ) .
25 Her oval face with its large dark eyes and high forehead was set on a long , graceful neck .
26 To work all year and then watch your entire flock of sheep be killed by a long savage winter , as happened in Malham in 1940 when drifts ten and twenty feet deep covered the moor of Spiggot Hill and Tarn Moss , must be cruelty itself .
27 A set of 32 items meeting these criteria were selected for a short form of the test , and a larger set of 150 items was included in a long form of the test .
28 Says Phil Keer : ‘ I think me and most of my friends are looking for a long term relationship .
29 Although many kinds of trace fossil are known from a long geological time span , some are confined to the Cambrian and could record extinct body plans , as well as details of early metazoan activities such as locomotion and feeding .
30 Extensive entries for each of the artist 's works are preceded by a long chronology with numbered and itemised sections discussing in detail the major developments in Magritte 's career .
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