Example sentences of "[noun] be [verb] in [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 RESIDENTS of St Osyth are living in fear the opening of the new Wivenhoe flood barrier will have disastrous consequences for their homes .
2 The object of this study is to consider in detail the sources of capital investment that facilitated such a rapid rate of industrialisation , and the consequences of these patterns of investment in the different branches and sectors of the economy .
3 Hardy was describing in fiction the real and very harsh position that unmarried mothers from the poorer sections of society found themselves in .
4 When the arm spines are cleaned in bleach the smaller ones are seen to be thin and only slightly rugose with the area of attachment reinforced while the larger spine has an almost smooth shaft with a multipointed head .
5 When the trees are coated in ice the bird is unable to break through for the life-sustaining food which it so desperately needs .
6 But my strategy was to keep in mind the long-term situation … .
7 Our principal approach is to examine in detail the records of scores of banks operating in the period .
8 A third approach is to pray in aid the so-called slippery slope .
9 On the day that Don Peters was on his feet at the EPC meeting , fighting for the survival of the British Vehicle Division and the jobs of the fifty thousand people it employed , Fred Clasper was setting in motion the third and final stage of his scheme to sabotage any possible chance of the company 's recovery .
10 Once a female is grabbed in amplexus the male is likely to have to defend her from other males , and fights lasting hours or days and involving several males have been witnessed in numerous species .
11 The official 's duty is to have in mind the best and most effective and efficient means of carrying out the council 's decision .
12 These seating arrangements thus provided a visual reflection and reinforcement of the social divisions within the parish ; when Richard Gough set out at the end of the seventeenth century to write the history of his parish of Myddle in Shropshire , he decided that the most natural way to organize his account was to consider in turn the occupants of each pew in Myddle church .
13 In order to avoid the boxes being opened in transit the label should state that sufficient food and water has been provided for the journey .
14 However , a major difficulty in ensuring the effectiveness of any support scheme is to reach in time the small proportion of the population least able to cope with their crisis .
15 Its purpose is to examine in detail the various experimental procedures that have been said to demonstrate acquired distinctiveness and to determine which generate reliable effects that are not to be explained away in other terms .
16 The patient was moved on to a life-support machine and another set of X-rays was ordered in case the first ones had not revealed internal injuries caused by the car accident .
17 By a respondent 's notice dated 28 February 1992 the father contended that in the event of the appeal being allowed in part the order should be varied so that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing the costs incurred by the father in the family proceedings court and that sum to be calculated by a costs draftsman by reference to the Legal Aid in Family Proceedings ( Remuneration ) Regulations 1991 or alternatively , to an order that the local authority pay to the father a sum representing in relating to the proceedings below calculated in the same way but excluding all or part of the costs incurred on 27 and 28 January 1992 .
18 What upsets and angers my hon. Friends is that the Department of Energy is praying in aid the proposed European Community directive on working time as a justification for that change .
19 as if in answer to this prayer one further Pathfinders production was launched in 1961- the most ambitious to date , Pathfinders to Venus .
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