Example sentences of "[noun] be [conj] it [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 The problem with weight loss is that it takes a long time to get what you want .
2 My only reservation with his classification of roles is that it reflects a Western preoccupation with task behaviours .
3 It has often been said — indeed I have said it myself — that the importance of the central dogma is that it provides a molecular explanation for Weismann 's theory of the independence of germ line and soma .
4 Erm the point about the regional census study was that it did a reasonably good job of analyzing the present situation , but not a very good job of the projections .
5 The beauty of Indirect Rule was that it created an administrative situation in which personal influence was , in theory at any rate , the administrator 's only resource .
6 Another effect was that it engineered a prevailing mood of despair about the quality of urban and industrial life which in turn bred a determination to rebuild and sweep away the past when the time came — which it did , in the 1940s when town planning was able to assume the mantle of the new provider .
7 Hence the geometric view of the path of a body in free fall is that it follows a geodesic in space time .
8 The reason for the bird 's big feet is that it needs a large shovel with which to pile up the mound of compost , earth and leaf litter in which the fowl buries and incubates its single very large egg .
9 One thing about leadership through team work is that it puts a much greater emphasis on training for the purposes of delegation and the word that they use to describe that piece is empowerment .
10 The argument against trickle transfer is that it makes a nonsense of rational rational housing management .
11 A corollary is that it provides an account of how more can be communicated , in his rather strict sense of non-naturally meant , than what is actually said .
12 The third benefit is that it yields a measure of capital .
13 A senior French official … explains , ‘ What is disturbing in the German attitude is that it betrays a very hegemonial mentality .
14 One of the attractions of swearing for a child is that it seems a grown-up thing to do .
15 While the Arts Council may survive as an advisory body , the crucial question is whether it retains a funding role : ‘ The days of the arm 's length principle are gone .
16 What was perhaps most significant about this product range was that it opened a debate about ways of using new technology which would enhance human intelligence rather than diminish it .
17 One of the few differences between beat policing and assembly-line work was that it contained a measure of unpredictability .
18 Its main attraction before independence was that it provided an antidote to the Government propaganda of Mambo Leo , but it looked very shabby by comparison .
19 My final point is this : the saddest thing about the war is that it shows a gross lack of proportion .
20 The problem with trying to reduce particulates is that it has a trade-off in higher nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) produced , which are frowned upon in environmental legislation in the U.S. and EC .
21 ‘ One of the things that is often said about the success of British athletics at the moment is that it hides an awful lot that 's wrong .
22 The conservative aspect of the new bourgeoisie is that it establishes a more durable form of capitalism , but as Becker does not see socialism as the only way of ushering in progress , this does not present a problem for him in his depiction of the new corporate bourgeoisie as promoters of development .
23 Its importance is that it provides a potential link from Heriot-Watt University campus to the residential areas of Currie and Juniper Green .
24 A justification for talk of abstract ideas is that it provides an explanation of how our thought and knowledge can be general ; ‘ how we can know any proposition to be true of all particular triangles , except we have first seen it demonstrated of the abstract idea of a triangle . ’
25 The motivation and advantage of using such a method as a research tool is that it finds a middle way between idiosyncratic subjectivism and claims to objectivity that have been increasingly questioned in the past twenty or so years ( by writers from Derrida ( 1975 ) to Lakoff ( 1987 ) ) .
26 All he did know at this moment was that it seemed a shame a girl such as Maggie here , with brains , because she was no fool , and a talent such as she had , should be encased in a body that held no appeal .
27 Its one claim to fame was that it agitated a sudden outbreak of Northern Soul style dancing in the trendier clubs of Britain .
28 The difference was that it took a year before Chamberlain 's words came back to haunt him .
29 The answer reached by the court is that it awards a sum which is in the nature of a conventional award .
30 To ensure that this is being achieved , watch out for two essential ingredients : One is that the combi-steamer produces fresh clean steam from its own generator , and the other is that it has an efficient waste air quenching system .
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