Example sentences of "[noun] be [conj] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 All the signs are that it made virtually no impact at all .
2 The problem with this reasoning is that it comes very close to construing a clause to the extent that the plaintiffs seek to enforce it rather than as it stands .
3 The first question I want to ask of contemporary antiracism is whether it does not collude in accepting that the problems of ‘ race ’ and racism are somehow peripheral to the substance of political life .
4 ‘ The irony is that it 's all been dead for us lately .
5 The only real problem with QBasic is that it does n't come with any sort of printed documentation — this is where we can help .
6 But Sir David said yesterday : ‘ We 've always had doubts about this policy , and the thing that now confirms our doubts is that it has n't worked . ’
7 But the trouble with climate modification of the sort imposed by the greenhouse effect is that it does not move naturally to a new , warmer status quo which will remain undisturbed for the next thousand years or so .
8 A characteristic feature of the placebo effect is that it does not last all that long : it is usually only a matter of weeks , and two to six months is about the most that can be expected : If a patient responds to a new treatment and is still well after a year , it is unlikely to be a placebo effect .
9 One of the interesting things about my reminiscing is that it stirred up memories for a lot of other people , too .
10 The most fundamental issue at stake is whether it represents merely a continuation of the earlier process of suburbanization and metropolitan deconcentration , albeit on a much larger geographical scale , or instead constitutes a fundamental switch away from the urban concentration process associated with industrialization towards a new ‘ post-industrial ’ settlement pattern based on medium-sized and small centres ( Hamnett and Randolph , 1983a ; Robert and Randolph , 1983 ) .
11 The second major defect in the relative clause proposal is that it does not actually explain anything unless it is supplemented by some account of what a relative clause is .
12 The importance of the recent discovery of this document recording the conclusions of the conferences of 26–27 May is that it fills in what have hitherto been two of the most significant gaps in the whole story .
13 The significance of the act is that it shows how much further the Lords of the Congregation were now prepared to go .
14 Right , well I think the biggest problem with Trust Law is that it expects too much of trustees .
15 And the failure of IBM management is that it did n't understand — and still does n't understand — the extent of the mischief the genie of open systems it let out of the bottle with the original open IBM Personal Computer , could wreak .
16 The advantage of the pen system in Eo 's machine is that it does away with the keyboard , so enabling applications to be written for all language forms — non-Roman script like Japanese or Arabic for instance .
17 The outstanding feature of black parents ' relationship with their children 's sport is that it does not exist .
18 The view of the County Council is that it does not raise those issues .
19 But for some villagers who the remember the Lambourn as it used to be , all that matters is that it flows once again .
20 The answer to that question is that it depends how you plan to use the recording .
21 The likelihood is that it does n't .
22 One of the problems perceived in Dr Ting 's autocratic management was that it does not endear him to the more easy-going American physicists ; and there were few large American institutions taking part in L* .
23 However , the question was whether it did so in a way that was unfairly prejudicial to Mr Nicholas .
24 ONE problem with a high-tech war is that it requires so much technology .
25 The problem in West Yorkshire is that it costs more there to put a police man on the beat , and the authority spends more per head of the population .
26 The interest of this triple acclamation is that it sounds emphatically and oddly hellenistic ( cp .
27 Another of the ironies of penal reform is that it seems not to apply in Texas , one of the spiritual centres of capitalism .
28 The advantage of this formal approach to organisations is that it shows how organisational objectives can be reached by :
29 Indeed , the only good thing about their confrontation against Sukova and Novotna is that it took just 50 minutes to complete , with the established Czech combination sweeping to a 6-2 , 6-2 victory and a place in the semi-finals against the United States .
30 It is not a measure of price for no matter how cheap a product is if it does not achieve the desired result it is expensive .
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