Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [vb pp] away from " in BNC.

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1 Several of the plant species have extra-floral nectaries but almost all the plants can be found growing away from the ant nests and the ants can form nests without the plants so that , despite the apparent advantages to both plants and animals , the relationship is not obligatory , though Codonanthe spp. are not found away from the nests .
2 Oystercatchers are rarely noted away from the coast , but have been recorded on occasions on flooded levels as well as at the reservoirs .
3 A HOSPITAL patient with a life-threatening condition was twice turned away from an operating table because there were not enough intensive care beds .
4 Unlike the singer-songwriter creed , attention is always drawn away from the song to the figure of the person working at it : there 's a flagrant exhibitionism that forces us into the role of voyeur .
5 The Christians good news is that guilt and shame that I have of such behaviour is actually taken away from me .
6 A day was thus taken away from February and transferred to August .
7 The trooper in attendance kept pace , but his head was mostly turned away from his charge while he studied the occasional stands of trees or searched the landscape for hidden folds from which an ambush might be mounted .
8 The square was gently raised away from the face .
9 O. densa has fewer arm spines , 4–5 as opposed to 7–8 , the oral frame is not raised away from the ventral portion disk , there are no trifid spinelets amongst the rods of the disk as there commonly are in O. smitti and the arm spines do not form a fan on proximal arm segments .
10 A motor extracts air through a replaceable filter and powders are gently drifted away from the operator .
11 ‘ What no-one condones is raking the head and we just still ca n't accept what happened to Victor Ubogu on the B tour last year when his ear was almost sliced away from his head . ’
12 Circular shafts were dug down to the seams and coal was then dug away from the sides until the pit was in danger of collapsing , which it eventually did after the pit had been abandoned .
13 This part is usually turned away from the investigator .
14 Grey Plovers are rarely seen away from the coast in Sussex , but there have been six such records since 1947 in March , April , May , October ( three together ) , November , and December .
15 As built by Franklin the outer stumps were so slanted away from the middle that the balls were only precariously balanced .
16 In memory her face is always turned away from me .
17 But already the symptoms which are inseparable from the growth of bureaucracy are there : the importance of the permanent officials grows , rules become more numerous , violent pronouncements rarer , negotiation more frequent , and power is gradually drawn away from the regions to the central government .
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