Example sentences of "[noun] be [adv] [verb] us [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not only are we rapidly filling up these refuse sites but the disposal and site maintenance is also costing us a lot of money — all from our rates !
2 ‘ As wholesalers we felt that Billingsgate was not offering us the facilities we needed , ’ he explains .
3 Barratt was just telling us the other night at the Goodys ' , ’ says Prue , as she pours coffee in the living-room , ‘ about how he had lunch with God the other day . ’
4 When the Secretary of State could bring himself to talk about his own legislation , we heard from him in effect an admission that the Government who brought us the poll tax are now bringing us a new poll tax .
5 It just shows how much people take for granted in contemporary society where kissing has become as ordinary as a handshake and the media are constantly giving us the message that sex is only exciting if it is different or forbidden .
6 What about sending one of your boys across to that overflowing grocer 's there to get us a fine Tuscan loaf ?
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