Example sentences of "[noun] the [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the present case the deceased indicated in clear terms to Mr. Morgan and Miss Calagarri that he regarded his name , written by him as part of the phrase ‘ My Will by Percy Winterbone , ’ as being his signature .
2 In Germany the government decided in early February to send two anti-aircraft batteries of Roland and Hawk missiles to Turkish air bases to defend the Alpha jets sent in January [ see p. 37941 ] .
3 In Leeds the Council secured a Nonconformist chaplain in the Infirmary ; in Sheffield the Council worked with local clergymen to provide an inspection team for religious instruction in Board schools .
4 When Graham Smith contracted cancer , she invited him and his wife on holiday to Necker in the Caribbean and also on a Mediterranean cruise on board the yacht owned by Greek tycoon , John Latsis .
5 ( For example Manu the lawgiver recommended to Hindu society more than twelve centuries ago that ‘ the chief function of a woman is to give birth , nurse those who are born and attend daily duties ' or ‘ A girl must be married before she attains puberty and after she is married she must be kept busy looking after elders , cooking , cleaning , keeping accounts and saving money and of course doing Dharma ) .
6 At present , subsidies to owner-occupiers in terms of mortgage interest tax relief and capital gains tax forgone on owner-occupied dwellings amount to £5 billion per annum : a sum about four times the total spent on National Health Service hospital buildings — i.e. capital spending ( Social Trends 18 , 1988 , Table 7.33 ) .
7 Deep safe water was a dark royal blue , while over a coral reef the sea shaded to green or , when perilously shallow , to brown , and Thessy , peering ahead , would shout at me to go to port or starboard , or even to go backwards as fast as the motors would catch hold .
8 For light travelling radially in a region described by the Schwarzschild metric , eqn ( 4.10 ) , with , becomes Then if a star shrinks to a radius less than r the time taken for light to emerge from the spherical surface at r becomes infinite , which confirms Michell 's conjecture .
9 All Tri-Plates are highly collectable these days , but as Hawaiian star Sol Hoopii 's famous guitar remains undiscovered and blues-player Tampa Red 's legendary gold-plated model remains just that — a legend — the ultimate collector 's Tri-Plates must be the presentation models the company made for certain employees .
10 In the last few decades the interest shown by social scientists in such evolutionary schemes has waned , notwithstanding the growing attention paid to problems of ‘ development ’ ; for the latter notion is not usually incorporated into any general conception of the history of human society , and despite first appearances is largely unhistorical .
11 On dry summer days the dust raised by galloping posses could be evoked by a vigorous soft shoe shuffle in the red Derbyshire clay , your sandals given spurs by a twig slid in by the outer ankle .
12 In each of the early civilizations the emphasis rested on opaque or translucent stones , in China on jade , but elsewhere on different forms of chalcedony , lapis lazuli and turquoise , the qualities of each of which could be displayed effectively by the simple process of polishing their surfaces smooth .
13 At the cessation of hostilities the ROA/KONR surrendered to American forces west of Prague .
14 What these anomalies mean is that within one and the same constituency the price paid in first-preference votes for the election of a TD varies greatly .
15 Last night the teenager murdered by Loyalist gunmen was named by friends as Dee Walsh , 18 , from Colinvale , Poleglass , west Belfast .
16 For example the system developed by Earnest ( 1962 ) extracts a few primitive measures such as differential vertical extent , closed loops and a count of horizontal centreline crossings .
17 Whether as a result of this criticism or not , in the year after Chernobyl the amount allocated to public relations and publicity by the CEGB almost doubled — from £6.3 million to £12.4 million .
18 In three patients , a Nissen fundoplication had been performed , in three a Billroth II partial gastric resection , in one a high selective vagotomy , and in five patients the procedure performed for hiatal hernia was not precisely documented .
19 At 6.30 a.m. next morning the train pulled into Central Station , Glasgow .
20 Will my right hon. Friend find time today to tell the House of the decision made yesterday to restore to Latvia , Lithuania and Estonia the gold deposited for safe keeping in the Bank of England but misappropriated by the then Labour Government with the support in the Division Lobby of the leader and Chief Whip of the Liberal party at that time ?
21 In the past the word referred to helped to raise revenue and I am inclined to think that the word 's appeal carried greater weight than " deaf " .
22 In Western society the value placed on human life is expressed in terms of the following norms .
23 ‘ Bud ’ was the end of the assembly line , one of the last wee wingers the game produced before tactical reorganisation and a change in athletic stature turned his breed into a piece of football nostalgia .
24 On the return journey the headboard carried by Flying Scotsman was raffled and raised over £250 for charity .
25 Anybody who had been to Venice must , he thought , confess that much of the beauty of that city consisted in the fact that at every turn the eye met with different kinds and styles of buildings , — at one moment Palladian and at another Gothic .
26 To add further complication , English speakers rarely give that lake the name used by Swiss , French , Germans and Italians , calling it instead the Lake of Luzern , a name which the Swiss only apply to one arm ( and almost the smallest at that ) of this many-armed lake .
27 Thus by invoking the idea of the freedom of a property owner to make any contract with respect to his property the power accorded to corporate managers appears legitimate , being the outcome of ordinary principles of freedom of contract .
28 This could either be flat rate or one taking into account the risk associated with different types of lending .
29 In this letter the deceased referred to various of his investments and asked Mr. Clarke to let him know ‘ the present value of each of my holdings . ’
30 For example , rather than cover item by item the information given to new residents and staff with questions such as ‘ Do you tell them where the post office/bed room/toilet/ etc is ? ’ , it was necessary to ask the broader question of ‘ What information is given to newcomers ? ’ , resulting in a discussion about an informative brochure that everybody received on arrival at the EPH .
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