Example sentences of "[noun] the [noun] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 It is perhaps useful here to bear in mind the distinction often made in the study of pressure groups between ‘ interest ’ groups and ‘ cause ’ groups , though in the tactical struggle for influence each may seek to co-opt the support of the other .
2 Secondly , and in contrast with this respect for the state 's monopoly of violence , because the provisionals seek to destroy the Northern dominance of protestant loyalists with a view to restoring ‘ the historic integrity of Ireland ’ , there is and will remain substantial support from among the Southern population for the violence the provisionals actually commit in the North .
3 After stopping at Wasserburg , Munich , Augsburg , Mainz , Frankfurt , Coblenz , Bonn , Cologne , Aachen , Liège , and Brussels the family finally arrived in Paris in November 1763 .
4 The bill 's supporters , most of whom were Democrats , insisted that it did no more than enshrine into law the rights already guaranteed in Roe v. Wade , the landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling which had established the principle of legal abortion in the USA .
5 With so many singers the music simply goes in one particular way ; with him it is always individual and special .
6 He was listening to Mahler and the emotions the composer always aroused in him were affecting his game of computer chess , making it turbulent , unconsidered .
7 Among the nationals the Sun clearly predominates in mentions of attacks with over 50 per cent again as many cases as even its rival the Star .
8 The trainer took daily charge of the team , and on match days the manager just sat in the stand .
9 For this reason , the FRED proposes that on the expiry of a warrant the amount previously recognised in shareholders ' funds be recognised in the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
10 The people up there speak a Tibetan dialect , and in the high pastures along the border the nomads still live in their black tents with their yaks .
11 In I Know Where I 'm Going ( 1945 ) , Wendy Hiller plays a go-ahead girl who , when forced to choose between the sort of rural mysticism the filmmakers previously invoked in A Canterbury Tale and a ‘ good ’ marriage , is only reluctantly brought round to accept the former .
12 The august newspaper The Independent also intervened in the episode , which at times has had overtones of the film ‘ An American were-wolf in London ’ .
13 At different times Jan Werich the actor and Vladimír Holan the poet also lived in the house .
14 It was not thickly populated or well defended , but it was much larger than the islands the English already held in the Caribbean , so it provided land for English emigrants for some years .
15 Brian Ross and Chris Camden were both on target in the 3-2 win the duo also scored in last year 's victory over the FA and Howard said : ‘ They have come up trumps again , and it is another excellent boost for Marine . ’
16 Brian Ross and Chris Camden were both on target in the 3-2 win the duo also scored in last year 's victory over the FA and Howard said : ‘ They have come up trumps again and it is another excellent boost for Marine . ’
17 In his search to act as arbiter and to secure for the papacy the defensor so needed in his ecclesiastical-political programme for Europe he had ( as it seemed ) changed sides three times , much as the princes themselves .
18 ( 1 ) A licensing board may , on an application made to the board in that behalf , transfer to a new tenant or occupant of any licensed premises the licence then subsisting in respect of those premises .
19 By the time the conferences actually began in December , it had realised that real interests were at stake .
20 In later stages of the disease the sprees often end in unconsciousness .
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