Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] have [not/n't] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Howard Wilkinson 's team were victims of an inspired performance by a Manchester City side who had not scored in four previous outings .
2 This group of ‘ uncounted unemployed ’ is likely to consist largely of women and school-leavers who have not worked before and so are not eligible for unemployment benefit .
3 A reminder letter and questionnaire were sent 6 weeks later to subjects who had not replied by this time .
4 Is it not true — as my hon. Friend the Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) pointed out — that as much public money goes to one CTC , to which parents who have not gone through the normal process will have access , as to all the other schools in the area , and that it goes there at the same rate ?
5 At this there was a muted growl of support from those in the hall who had not succumbed to a heavy lunch .
6 Either circumstance can have a lasting effect upon self-view and relationships , while the youngster who has not come through the " mourning " phase adequately may act in later life exactly as though a " new " parent were sought .
7 It is , for example , rare , though not unknown , to find the holder of an important kadilik who has not taught at the Sahn ; and it is likewise extremely unusual , though again not unheard of , to find a kazasker who has not held an important kadilik .
8 Curators of the ‘ Matisse 1904–17 ’ exhibition think Shchukin has started the case to pressure Russian authorities who had not replied to earlier requests about the paintings .
9 He recalled with amazement , as if it were years ago , his first shocked vision of the adult Irina , the shaggy , sullen , unkempt ‘ gipsy ’ girl standing at the door of Red Cottage who had not spoken to him , and whom he had even conjectured to be mentally defective .
10 There was not a man present who had not stepped over bodies of rivals to claw his way to his present position .
11 When the king 's agents bought the wool it fetched much less than the expected price and the scheme collapsed , leaving resentment amongst the producers , the lesser merchants who had not participated in the scheme , and those who had been paid in Dordrecht Bonds .
12 With time running out , it was crucial that Leeds at least regained the leadership by taking a minimum of one point from a Manchester City team who had not scored in any of their previous four outings .
13 He may have been joking , but his fatalistic sentiment was in the sane vein as a cruel remark made as Davies 's men departed in triumph : ‘ We understood Eastbourne were the only team who have not applied for a postal vote in the General Election . ’
14 A joint statement specified that the two countries had " agreed on the repatriation of those Vietnamese illegal immigrants who have not qualified for resettlement in third countries " and that the forced returns would be " conducted under conditions of order , safety and dignity " .
15 Apart from his former wife , Mr Edward Stratton was the only one of the original group who had not listened to Morse that morning .
16 On Oct. 6 the court sentenced 11 of the men including the MTP leader , Roberto Felicetti , and two of the women to life imprisonment for murder , wounding , robbery and rebellion , with the possibility of release after 25 years for good behaviour ; the remaining seven , including the priest , Fr Juan Antonio Puigjane , an MTP leader who had not participated in the actual attack , were sentenced to terms of between 10 and 20 years ' imprisonment for complicity .
17 ‘ How can we just throw in a lad who has not played for so long ?
18 Erm your worships as far as the personal circumstances are concerned she is fifty nine years old , she has n't worked for the last three years she 's in receipt of invalidity benefit similarly her husband who has n't worked for the last ten or eleven years er , is on invalidity benefit .
19 But the general inability of the film industry to support and encourage creative adventure was the responsibility of the two major companies , which were now in the hands of former accountants who had not cast off their old ways of thinking , John Davis at Rank and Robert Clark at ABPC .
20 ‘ I came across families who had n't eaten for four days .
21 His was the first correct solution selected and he knew the Premier League teams who have not played in European competitions are Crystal Palace , Wimbledon , Oldham , Norwich , Sheffield United , Middlesbrough and Blackburn .
22 Through the firm and persuasive advocacy of Marsh he was eventually permitted to incept , but the case provoked the university to decree that in future no scholar who had not ruled in arts could proceed to a degree in theology : a statute which would engender recurrent disputes between the friars and the university .
23 If the amendment is seconded by another person who has not spoken on the original motion , the Chairman must accept it as a new motion , subject to the provisos that the amendment is not a simple negative of the motion ; is relevant ; does not cover ground that has been dealt with under a previous amendment ; and is not frivolous nor illegal .
24 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we saw in the town meetings , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them together saying we want our future back .
25 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them saying we want our future back . ’
26 Some of them looked as if they had only just risen from their beds , as if this was breakfast time to them ; others had the look of people who had n't slept for a week .
27 There had been presents and people who had not bothered with her much during the ten years she had worked there became friendly .
28 We get a lot of people who have not cycled for years , they cycle tentatively for an hour , but then come back again to cycle the whole trail .
29 Community charge reductions are only available to people who have not moved since 31st March 1991 .
30 Community charge reductions are available to people who have not moved since 31 March 1991 .
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