Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] have [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Leapor also satirizes the intellectual pretensions of a figure in Crumble Hall who can tentatively be identified as the young William Henry Chauncy who had recently gone up to Oxford :
2 Griffith was seduced by his own myth of himself and by the preoccupations of the Progressive era into believing that he was a serious thinker , whereas in truth he was an old-fashioned story-teller who had spontaneously discovered how the technology of film could be used to give stories a tremendous power .
3 It was Edna who had actually imparted to her the facts of life , Edna who had accurately predicted how long each governess would last , Edna who had vowed she would name her first daughter after Celia — and kept her promise .
4 The blood , the gaping holes , the bone sticking out of flesh , the stench of burst intestines — I am telling you this only because the effect on me , a boy who had never seen even a peacefully dead body before that day , was one I should never have predicted .
5 What plodded through the front door was not the lovable , lazy hound who had once lived there but a grim-faced light bulb serial killer !
6 She had set her mind to it , and it would certainly be accomplished ; but in that winter dusk , as the rain fretted at her window , as she recalled the innocence of the child who had once sung alone in the house where her grandfather had done such wrong , Louisa Anne Agnew , already twenty-seven years old , wondered whether her life had yet properly begun at all .
7 But as she did so , she thought she heard a thin , piercing sound , like the wail of a child who has just wakened up and found himself alone .
8 But still , the great majority of posts are held by the sort of steady chaps who have always made up the Great and Good .
9 After the Turkish conquest of most of Hungary in the 1520s and 1530s the Hungarian nobles who had then fled westwards often still maintained claims to their former lands and even asserted their right to live tax-free on them for a limited period and to levy feudal dues in them .
10 He turned and the girl who had just come in let out a little scream .
11 From this pale and anaemic-looking girl who had once thought only of turning the heads of young officers , and whom the Collector had considered insipid , he now saw a young woman of inflexible willpower emerging .
12 I wanted her , at my convenience , to become a nurturing Mother Earth figure who would take care of my when I felt unable to cope , and the little girl who had never grown up was crying out for help and approval .
13 You can , in Ipswich erm Paul was looking at the , at the property you know because he 'd like to meet a girl and the two of them , he 'd like to buy and he 'd like to meet some girl who 's already got perhaps er either a council flat or something .
14 ‘ Diana is an Uptown girl who has never gone in for downtown men , ’ observes Rory Scott .
15 AN 11-year-old Ulster girl who has never acted before has landed the starring role in a new £500,000 film .
16 The meeting was held to contain and deal with the mobilization of an estimated 400-500 re-contras ( disbanded contras who had again taken up arms ) in the northern Jinotega province .
17 The inclusion of the article relating to troop withdrawals was made at the insistence of the leaders of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania who had reportedly threatened not to sign the declaration , so preventing its adoption , without an agreement on the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Baltic states .
18 Traders buying nutmegs and doves from Arabian merchants had been aware of their existence for centuries ; Marco Polo knew roughly where they were , for he saw junk traffic in the ports of Cathay loaded down with spices and manned by suntanned crews who had clearly come there from the south .
19 The next minute , he was the teasing , confident extrovert who 'd calmly stripped off in front of her in his bedroom that night .
20 After a few days the household would be creeping around ‘ not to disturb Dad ’ who was sulking in his room bored to death with his family , and the children would be trying to comfort a depressed and weeping Mum who had so looked forward to her handsome popular brilliant husband 's return and did n't know what she had done wrong .
21 She was delighted at having the chance to work with one of the rock world 's most distinguished performers who had already branched out into the movie business .
22 Randy and Merlin Sherwood 's beautiful mother adjusted her mascara in the driving mirror and eyed Rupert Campbell-Black who 'd just rolled up alone in a dark green Ferrari to watch his daughter , Tabitha , play in the first final for the under-fourteens .
23 A radio ham called Tony and an ambulance driver who had just picked up a man with bandaged fingers who was suffering from exposure .
24 At Bhamdoun , a hill resort with a little railway station , an ornate French signal box and a clutch of mosques and apartment blocks built by the Saudis who had once gone there for their summer holidays , Syrian shellfire had smashed into the shops and flats , punching a hole into the wall of the Carlton Hotel .
25 He turned to John Scales who had just come in .
26 Arsenal fans still talk about former Highbury heroes Michael Thomas and David Rocastle , the main men from the Championship-winning team who have now moved on to Liverpool and Leeds .
27 Luckily Mike Farquharson who had only come offshore for two days and ended up staying a week , volunteered to cover until my colleague Jim Gibb arrived . ’
28 Hindenburg , who had taken part in the victorious campaigns of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1 , was now built up into a father figure : the old general who had again thrown back the invaders of the Fatherland .
29 Alexander Vass , the shipping magnate who had recently taken over the local firm of G.W. Fashions after a bitter struggle with his rivals , she had expected to be a man well into middle age , in spite of the fact that she knew him to be single .
30 Some , they said had been declared unroadworthy by the Department of Transport who 'd then banned then from the roads and others were needed as evidence of alleged offences .
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