Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] [vb -s] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The second copy is handed to the cashier who uses it to prepare the customer 's bill and the third copy is retained in the waiter 's book .
2 FILM star Whoopi Goldberg is being sued for £130m by another actress who claims she stole the idea for her hit film Sister Act .
3 A difficulty of interpretation arises over the question whether it must be the constable who warns who effects the arrest .
4 So that the parent who studies to subdue ( self-will ) in his children , works together with God in the saving of a soul : the parent who indulges it does the devil 's work ; makes religion impracticable , salvation unattainable ; and does all that in him lies to damn his child , soul and body , for ever ! …
5 It may be an ark , but one on which anthropophagy is rife ; an ark skippered by some crazy greybeard who beats you round the head with his gopher-wood stave , and might pitch you overboard at any moment .
6 It is the cuckolded husband who kills who gets the sympathy .
7 This is a person who sees nothing to recommend the Duomo at Siena ( ‘ it seems to have been got by outlining ’ ) , nor Sienese painting in general : ‘ evidence of love ; but not of art …
8 It is God as Father who enables us to see the true essence of God .
9 Does the man who knows everything have the answer .
10 Does the man who knows everything have the answer .
11 A widow who claims she contracted the lung disease asbestosis from washing her husband 's overalls is sueing British Rail for damages .
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