Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] [vb past] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 The funeral directors ' lobby is very strong ; I suppose it was naïve of me not to have realized before that they would clamp down hard on any wholesaler who dared to step out of line and supply the public direct .
32 ‘ Lovat was enquiring about you earlier on , Piper , ’ shouted one of the medics who had come out of the barn to tend to the wounded .
33 An interruption came from one of the schoolboys who had walked up behind them and had some question he wanted to ask Matthew .
34 They were by now in Piccadilly Circus , which was as bright as day , and were surrounded by the crowds streaming from the theatres , cafés and dives which populated the area , painted ladies of a certain character being prominent among them — as well as the enthusiastic amateurs who had come up from the East End to make a few pennies , or even be given supper , as a price for their favours .
35 Butler and Stokes argue that the main source of new electoral strength for Labour in 1945 was the mobilisation of manual workers who had grown up in homes without a long tradition of participation in electoral politics .
36 He was being heckled , jeered and booed by the vast majority , which included several hundred workers who had driven up from the Midlands ' plants to influence the vote .
37 Meantime , back at the Bourne , the crowd were treated to a display of power tennis from Duncan Knight who had come down from the David Lloyd Centre with Onny Parun .
38 Hounded to her death by a cruel mother-in-law , neglected by her husband … the same husband who 'd carried on with a woman when she was hardly cold in her grave .
39 One interpretation of the intermittent energy which Joseph Sturge put into the free produce movement in the 1840s is that it constituted an attempt by a Friend who had launched out into public and even political life to maintain links with more traditionally quietist brethren who none the less looked for greater perfection in the world .
40 ‘ Our friend who got knocked down by a car , Mr Nowak , has fallen into a bad coma and he 's on the critical list . ’
41 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
42 During the inter-war period , when housing expectations among women were rising , one Medical Officer of Health found that mortality rates amongst families who had moved out of a slum area into new council houses actually rose , because correspondingly less was being spent on food .
43 These somewhat standard indictments nevertheless came from a scholar who had grown up in the York school under Archbishop Ecgberht and gained maturity in the household of Archbishop Aethelberht as master of the school until he joined the court of Charlemagne in the early 780s .
44 ‘ You do n't mind , do you ? ’ he said , glancing at Willie who had sat down beside him .
45 He had sent for Philip who had raced up from Wales to coach and instruct this miraculous son in a great Shakespearian role to be performed in an Oxford college before an audience of West End luminaries ( Gielgud , Terence Rattigan ) : ‘ We worked on it line by line , hour after hour , into the early morning …
46 One evening in their local pub , the Dog & Rabbit , an old gentleman who had moved out of the district on retirement , returned to visit his daughter who lived in the area .
47 Whatever the world had done to the little wide-eyed innocent who got eaten up by a bad wolf in the big city , it had n't taught her much .
48 Only last week ( British Medical Journal , vol 286 , p 765 ) there was an account of two young lassies in Australia who had turned up at a health centre feeling nauseous and generally out of sorts .
49 In a few hours I felt reborn and replete with new powers , washed clean and cured of a long sickness , finally ready to enter life with joy and vigour ; equally cured was suddenly the world around me , and exorcised the name and face of the woman who had gone down into the lower depths with me and had not returned .
50 After more anxious discussion , the woman who had come down with the leaves , bony and greyish of skin with her hair wrapped in a yellow turban , poured half , then all the small bottle of gin into the steaming mixture and ceremoniously put it in the centre of the floor .
51 After we split up he started going out with a woman who wanted to go out on the town every night — like him . ’
52 But she was always there when he came back from real or imagined expeditions , not like his father who 'd walked out after a drunken row one night .
53 The weatherbeaten old man squinted up at the handsome young giant who stood grinning down at him .
54 It seemed that NoS was going to be the first to tap the huge reservoir of people who had given up on the papers altogether .
55 Curiously , he was not deported , a sentence which in the two years immediately after the war was handed down to at least fifty young people who had come over on the Kindertransporte .
56 Ibn Fayoud looked at the place settings , noting that the few racing contacts he had been obliged to invite had sensibly been distributed among the more amusing people who had come up from London .
57 Once I was inside and looking at the space I had and the needs I had identified , I saw my task differently from the people who had come out of production , many of whom , whether men or women , continued to want to master/ mistressmind productions themselves as Executive Producer .
58 We were amazed , however , at the number of people who had found out on the grapevine !
59 He explained that the people who had got on to that ferry would get off in another world , and would never be seen in this one again .
60 There was a goodly stretch of garden between Hilda 's sitting-room and the road , but later that evening at least three people who had passed by on the other side of the wall commented on the row in the Spinners ' Arms .
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