Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh pn] [verb] not [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nicolo was there , standing just where Bob Calder had indicated , the only person who had not in any way acknowledged her presence .
2 A perfect spine is an all-important factor in preserving those conditions and uses of the human machine which work together for perfect health , yet there are comparatively few people who do not in some form or degree suffer , perhaps quite unconsciously , from excessive spinal curvature .
3 After bullying the Queen into paying income tax ‘ like everybody else ’ the Government has been embarrassingly reminded by the Birt affair of the many high earners who do not by any means pay tax like everybody else .
4 In her girls ' school , it was a bit like joining a club — " girls who had on this side , and girls who had n't on that side " .
5 It 's like , girls who had on that side , and girls who had n't on that side , — can I join , kind of thing .
6 These two are in a very small minority of black sportsmen who had not at some stage faced the distressing realization that they were black and so they were different and that difference could significantly limit their chances of access to the kind of resources available to others , prestige , affluence , esteem in the eyes of others .
7 ‘ I do n't think there 's anybody who 's worked here for a time who has n't at some time felt like crying , or who has n't actually cried or felt really down .
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