Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] [noun sg] [be] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Napoleon 's portrait is on the obverse and , on the other side is the Arc de Triomphe , the focal point of Paris 's streets .
2 In fact it 's no accident that the fan 's position is on the input/preamp side of the B-1 ; part of the reason for Ampeg 's legendary SVT tone comes from the use of dedicated all-tube preamp systems , and the B-1R is no exception .
3 Ears turned forward : the horse 's attention is to the front .
4 Ears turned sideways : the horse 's attention is to the side .
5 Ears turned backwards : the horse 's attention is to the rear .
6 Neil 's heart is in the right place .
7 The entrance to Cathy Carne 's flat was around the corner — a wooden stairacse , well maintained , with a canopied landing at the top .
8 ‘ Indeed , Philippe Chaumont 's life is in the balance .
9 At the wheel of the XJR-S on a traffic-laden A11 , pushing the big car past streams of trucks at high speed , Brundle 's driving is like a chauffeur 's : it looks as if anybody could do what he is doing .
10 The pupils of St David 's primary are in no doubt as to the merits of the project compared to normal paint and brush work .
11 Neither spoke and Julia understood that David 's mother was on the very brink of breaking down ; any little thing might tip her over into outright despair .
12 But she stressed that the programme 's development was at an extremely early stage , and a decision to go ahead with its production had still to be made .
13 The first significant expression of nationalist discontent after Gorbachev 's accession was in the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan , following the nomination of an ethnic Russian , Gennadii Kolbin , to replace the Brezhnevite incumbent Dinmukhamed Kunaev as party first secretary .
14 The soldier 's face was like a ghost 's .
15 Different considerations might apply where the agent 's misrepresentation is about the effect of the document which deprives him of apparent authority .
16 The mayor 's stall is in the choir , so at the appropriate moment the civic party rise and are escorted from the nave to the choir — and out of sight of the members of the congregation .
17 Moreover , Dudek 's scholarship was of a more penetrating kind than anything under which Leonard had yet sat , or was to sit , as became that of a Doctor of Letters from Columbia University .
18 Gazza 's goal was worth the wait and all the confusion but only 5,000 were in the Ramon Sanchez-Pizjuan stadium to witness it .
19 In fact Pakistan 's triumph was like an Eid , the religious festival which Muslims celebrate with great fervour at the conclusion of Ramadan .
20 Sue 's marriage is on the rocks
21 The next phase of Blackwell 's career was in the colony of Massachusetts Bay , where he arrived in 1684 .
22 Perhaps Sutherland 's life is like a ’ small ’ movie .
23 Labour 's war was against the German nation , not just the Nazis .
24 Malaysia 's deputy prime minister relaxes by designing golf courses , and the Indonesian president 's family is in the business of building them .
25 Glenn Hoddle 's party was at the County Ground .
26 One wonders how close the cost of Edward 's internment was to the £15 3s. 4½d. paid to Hugh Brice in 1471 for the cerecloth and spices used to embalm his predecessor , Henry VI .
27 I had noticed on the way in that Jefferson 's office was alongside the boardroom and , as the last visitor went through into the factory , I turned sharp left and entered his office .
28 As administrators can find it difficult to confirm debt to unsecured creditors and delays can be experienced , NCM 's wording is to the policyholder 's advantage .
29 She knew Ken 's mind was on a new arrangement of ‘ I Do n't Mean Maybe ’ .
30 And Höll 's playing is in the Britten class for its many moments of revelatory insights .
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