Example sentences of "[noun] [am/are] [verb] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Computing skills are consolidated and further developed .
2 The structures of related polyamides do not always lead to this neat arrangement of intermolecular bond formation ; for example the geometry of an extended nylon-7,7 chain allows the formation of only every second possible hydrogen bond when the chains are aligned and fully extended .
3 The fourth functional activity is that of control which monitors and assesses whether resources and activities are allocated as originally planned and authorised .
4 The infection thread continues to grow through and between the host plant 's root cells so that the bacteria in the infection thread are isolated and eventually released into the nodule cells .
5 All appears chaotic , yet comparisons among the temples reveals that , although complicated , their plans are ordered and carefully thought through .
6 Between , Thru , and Amalgamemnon manifest structures of adjacency or alterity in which exemplary texts of both past and present are invoked and implicitly questioned by being brought together and made to interact ; their semantic orientation is refracted by the context in which they are placed and their referential function remotivated .
7 The siting of the control and communications unit where the emergency signals are received and possibly monitored for secondary action i.e. isolating services etc. , is imperative , and slave mimic display panels should be considered at other and remote positions from the prime risk areas to ensure cover for the control of the emergency operations .
8 A further 60 can be used but not sold , while 70 formulations are banned as originally planned .
9 The flying logbook is an official document which is carefully filled in after each flight , and after each month 's flying the entries are verified and then signed by the Flight Commander and the Squadron 's Officer Commanding as being correct .
10 So no matter how insignificant at the time , it is important that all finds are reported and properly recorded .
11 His double-buckled shoes are spanning and deeply embedded in two concrete paving slabs , showing him ready to repel all advances , metal or human .
12 Controversy rages over their safety , and value-added components of any variety in our diet are mistrusted and often suspected of being there largely for the benefit of the manufacturer , not the consumer .
13 In the British case , forms and levels of national intervention are seen as closely allied to the particular class interests for which the state is responsible : ‘ the City ’ or financial capital ( for example , industrial capital ) or the trade unions .
14 Colours are apprehended as spatially extended .
15 Brussels sprouts , summer cabbage , calabrese and leeks can be sown in a seed bed — a nursery area of the vegetable plot where seedlings are grown and then transplanted to rows on the main plot at a later date .
16 When a large number of British nationals are killed or seriously injured in an aircraft crash , ministers have to answer questions from MPs about the event and , of course , ministers look to the government aircraft accidents investigation organisation for information on the subject .
17 Opportunities to observe how the novice 's area supervisor or other , more experienced , colleagues handle negotiations or use their discretion are limited and usually confined to the bigger pollutions or more intractable problems .
18 The true nature of design requires that vague concepts are handled and gradually manipulated until preferred values and forms emerge .
19 A higher quality of timely competitor intelligence is possible when the corporation 's intelligence resources are identified and centrally co-ordinated .
20 Problems are individualized or even suppressed rather than openly explored with all the possible difficulties that this entails .
21 or ( e ) The way in which goods are packed or otherwise got up for the purpose of being supplied .
22 First , if the cause of the purchaser being unable to return the goods within the approval period is something which occurs entirely without his fault and beyond his control ( e.g. if the goods are stolen or accidentally destroyed ) he can offer that as an excuse and property will not pass , Re Ferrier ( 1944 Ch. ) .
23 In considering shopfronts , the first need is to ensure that existing ones of character are preserved and sympathetically treated .
24 Many details , such as the reproduction of type-script and the printing of a page askew as if that was how it came out of the type-writer , suggest the fiction that the novel is a draft , a preliminary version , but of course the pages are printed and therefore fixed .
25 Firstly of course , many sincere viewpoints are held and vigorously presented , perhaps reflecting a morality that is now unfashionable or less prevalent ; these viewpoints are always with us and it is proper that they should be so , and that they are seriously and sympathetically heard .
26 Other commands to validate and execute either a search , navigation or trail request are parsed and then sent to the appropriate process .
27 Here , it is suggested that symbols such as words and gestures are introduced and initially learned as devices to mediate interaction .
28 Over 70,000 people are killed or seriously injured every year in road accidents alone .
29 This is not the way professional writers engage in their task , for almost invariably drafts are discussed and heavily revised after consultation .
30 Nearly all blue cheeses are scalded and lightly pressed and tend to crumble .
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