Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] was [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 They argue that it is unnatural to break up a programme which was made to be viewed as a whole .
2 In early December 1990 the Defence Department had released an internal report which cited " errors of judgment and failures of supervision " in the programme which was estimated to be at least $1,300 million over budget and 18 months behind schedule .
3 And this school , of which afterwards he could only remember that he was so homesick , must have helped the mind which was alleged to be backward and was not .
4 There was also a genuine fear that open conflict between the two sides of the industry must be avoided ( a fear which was shown to be not entirely illusory in a subsequent reorganisation , see pp. 194–5 below ) .
5 On 3 July the men of Huntingdonshire had made a perambulation in their county , which had until then been entirely forest , a perambulation which was declared to be ‘ in accordance with the Charter of the Forest ’ .
6 With that as its dominant posture , particular schemes could fail and it would still retain and perhaps even enhance its support , if it could claim that it pursued a course which was known to be difficult but which was still the ideologically sound thing to do .
7 Full enactment of the emergency package required a supplementary budget which was expected to be submitted to the Diet in October or November 1992 .
8 In the medieval period these were seen as the custodians of an orthodoxy which was felt to be , if only potentially , challenged by self-authenticating mystical writings — a custodial role which seems to have lingered into the twentieth century .
9 So he spent long days and evenings at Meadowbanks , working ( when he had done a stint of transcription ) on the manuscript which was destined to be the Walter Machin volume in the Payne 's Great Authors series of monographs .
10 There was a firm 6×4 cm swelling to the right of the midline scar in the adbomen which was presumed to be the recurrent tumour .
11 The 14th summit meeting of the heads of state of the Economic Community of the Countries of the Great Lakes was held in Gisenyi , Rwanda , on Aug. 1 ; discussions concentrated on regional security which was declared to be the " first objective " of the community .
12 At the time appointed for the auction the poor and the thrifty were left to man the ramparts ; everyone else crowded into the hall of the Residency which was considered to be the most suitable place for the proceedings .
13 This is in contrast to the sociology of knowledge which was designed to be non-evaluative and not to distinguish between false and true knowledge .
14 Royal Marines intercepted the vessel which was found to be carrying cargo which is banned under the United Nations measures .
15 There has also been criticism of members of my family for behaviour which was judged to be unseemly for people whose responsibility is to set a good example .
16 In 1951 a well-documented eruption of this kind took place on Mt Lamington in Papua , another of those volcanoes which was thought to be extinct until something nasty happened .
17 P C Raymond Hall was shot last November in North London when he tried to arrest Kelly and an accomplice who were in a lorry which was found to be packed with more than three tonnes of explosives .
18 It is a cultivated house with a large library ; it is a hospitable house , with spacious dining-room and emphatic portico ; it is devised , like Adam 's town houses , for ‘ an elaborate social parade , a parade which was felt to be the necessary accompaniment of active and responsible living ’ .
19 These typical judgements against dwindling authority formed part of a wider fabric of anxiety in this era , and there were some quite delirious fears in circulation about a supposed deterioration — both physical and moral — among the British people which was believed to be producing new and unprecedented forms of violence and depravity .
20 She nodded slightly , and he bent his head to give her a kiss which was meant to be fleeting , but which went on and on until they were breathless and shaken when he put her away from him at last .
21 The committee was to submit its proposals to a 260-member consultative assembly responsible for drafting by the end of the year the new constitution which was expected to be presented for approval in a national referendum .
22 On Nov. 27 President José Eduardo dos Santos announced the appointment of Marcolino Moco , secretary-general of the MPLA-PT , as Prime Minister to head a transitional government which was expected to be named on Dec. 1 .
23 Rather it was the whole ethos of the monarchy which was felt to be dowdy and second-rate .
24 It was an arguably effective method of achieving both killing and disposal of the body — probably ensuring that the perpetrator remained undetected — to load the victim into an escape pod which was destined to be destroyed as soon as it was tracked by any of the platforms in orbit .
25 Early in 1913 Canudo , another friend of Apollinaire 's , founded a review called Montjoie which was recognized to be an Orphist mouthpiece , while Apollinaire expanded and developed his ideas on the new style in L'Intransigeant and particularly in Les Soirees de Paris .
26 West of our site was the Caducius which was thought to be fairly easy to locate as it was marked on the Admiralty Chart .
27 Apart from containing pictures of part of the scene where it is said the violent disorder had taken place and an incident leading up to the arrival of the police which was held to be part of the res gestae , the tape would have been useful to establish alibis some defendants wished to rely upon in respect of their presence in the club at a relevant time and the timing between significant incidents .
28 Mr. Philipson also submitted that the notice was defective in form , on the grounds that it specified the documents by class and not individually , and that it contained certain other matter which was alleged to be ambiguous , but which I shall not quote , so as not to imperil anonymity .
29 He flashed Charles what was meant to be a frank smile .
30 ‘ The stories of my people go beyond oppression and the degeneration of society , ’ Mr McKay added , citing recent occasions in Canada when aboriginal communities have asserted their rights over ancestral land which was destined to be taken over by local developers .
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