Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] would [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The second phase would begin with elections for a transitional administration which would remain in power for up to 10 years .
2 Also the proportion of rods to spinelets varies to the exclusion of spinelets which would lead to confusion with O. densa were it not for the different number of arm spines , the proximal spines forming a fan and the raised oral frame .
3 I happened to see Sir John Woods [ Permanent Secretary to the Board of Trade ] tonight and he told me that Sir Stafford Cripps had been reading the minutes of Cabinet committees during his absence [ in India , where he had been for nearly four months trying to reach a settlement which would lead to independence ] and had been depressed by the amount of time and energy taken up in the Ministerial Committees with the discussion of quite minor matters which individual Ministers ought to settle in their discretion .
4 This research by Soothill and Jack masked the amount of sex crime being reported in newspapers , for by concentrating entirely on cases which would appear as rape in the Criminal Statistics for the relevant year , this provided a narrow definition of sex crime .
5 The new policies which would emerge for discussion in an autumn 1990 white paper would take matter well beyond the December 1989 Green Bill , which does not include carbon dioxide among the gases for which standards are to be set .
6 On the same day the UN special border commission adopted the proposals which would go into effect once approved by the Security Council .
7 Karen reported on a meeting convened by Jenny Borden on consultation on management involving 11 people mostly from Aid Sector : in this meeting Jenny mentioned that no more grades would be created , training should be related to a person 's job only and staff should n't take on other tasks not included in their job description which would lead to dissatisfaction of salary level .
8 The circulation of money is thereby improved , creating more economic activity and more jobs — and all this without printing money which would lead to inflation .
9 Nothing could be worse than the life I was leading at present , I thought , where the pressures from being homeless and unemployed were likely to force me into a series of criminal acts which would result in prison , or vagrancy at the least .
10 Not one Bank Assistant is earning a level of income which would qualify for consideration for a loan from any of the Bank 's Subsidiaries .
11 I wanted a physical scale and mass which would act as counterweight to the columns and the weight of the stone .
12 The name of the green-eyed demon cat of Scotland which would materialise as part of the occult ceremony called Taghairn .
13 Rates of CTT chargeable on the coming to an end of an interest in possession during the lifetime of the beneficiary On a separate matter , it is right that I should inform the Committee , for the avoidance of doubt , that the lower rates of CTT announced by the Chief Secretary on 5th February which would apply to transfers of value occurring during the lifetime of the transferor will also apply where an interest in possession comes to an end during the lifetime of the person beneficially entitled to that interest .
14 Mr Gourlay said there was also concern about the transitional arrangements which would lead to disparity of treatment between different companies which had not made long-term commitments for rigs which would qualify for tax relief .
15 Union officials caused an outcry yesterday when they produced a document claimed to be a national British Rail hit list of lines which would close under privatisation .
16 At 31 December 1991 the US federal tax authorities had proposed adjustments relating to the assessment of certain profits earned during 1979 to 1983 by Ultramar Group companies operating outside the US and other matters which would result in taxes of approximately US$190 million plus interest .
17 Under the scheme , individual shareholders would pay an annual fee which would go towards elephant conservation , in return for being able to kill " their " elephant after 10 years .
18 Accountants , merchant bankers and some lawyers may agree to a success-related fee which would take into account the risk that the transaction may not proceed .
19 It was extremely likely that she was pleading with him to escape so she could lead him straight into a trap which would result in accusations of spying or some such thing .
20 The young wine , which had been delivered two days earlier from the cellars of a certain Monsieur Chapautier had been identified by Dr Davies , an admirer of fine wine and port from an early age , as having all the signs of a vintage which would mature to perfection by the 1993/94 conference season .
21 Erm it sort of backfired a bit on poor er Ray because he 'd actually written up a bid er for us to do , which was about investors in people to actually h appoint somebody to control that process which would take on board all of the training and
22 These are strategic alternatives which would capitalize on George and Marie 's strengths and minimize their weaknesses : it is the business of a case study answer to identify these alternatives and not just to assume that the proprietors have to go on as they started .
23 He had received support for his view on modernization when Lord Carrington , the former NATO Secretary-General , said on Nov. 20 , in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) in London , that he was unable to imagine any circumstances " in which NATO would deploy new nuclear weapons which would fall on East German soil " .
24 An enterprise which would put at risk the health , wellbeing and lives of several million people .
25 The power-sharing agreement calls for the establishment of a national unity after the election of a Constituent Assembly which would remain in power for five or six years .
26 Incidentally , I knocked down the girders that were to go to develop a new pit which would come from Monktonhall into those reserves .
27 We have avoided the danger of setting up defence structures which would compete with NATO .
28 In another school , the committee had a detailed agenda for further development which would go into operation once the teachers ' dispute was resolved .
29 The conference established five committees which would convene in April or May .
30 It is expected to produce about £9m which would compare with £16.5m last time .
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