Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By May the play was almost complete — all that was necessary was the process of readjustment which would necessarily take place in consultation with director and actors .
2 An analogy which would better express Aquinas ' view compares the universe to a number of objects , say a pile of books on a table .
3 Anyone associated with the game of rugby quite right abhors tactics which can easily cause injury .
4 The Association found that for the first time the municipal government was taking its demands seriously and was prepared to make concessions which would effectively improve working conditions .
5 Deee-Lite are presently involved in publishing a dictionary of 200 Deee-Liteful Words which will also include addresses of environmental groups and human rights organizations .
6 Lawyers acting for the 14 nuns are due to see a judge in chambers today to ask for a judicial review which would effectively prevent ministry officials carrying out the slaughter at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery near Daventry .
7 The pieces of DNA transduced by bacteriophages may carry one or two whole genes , but they are often smaller fragments which may nevertheless modify genes already present in the recipient .
8 A family-run hotel , the Sporting features many amenities which will particularly suit families on holiday .
9 Well , if there 's one aircraft which can still evoke memories of those Cold War days this is it .
10 In this respect , we are unhappy about the weak advice on enforcement action which places undue emphasis on negotiation rather than serious punitive action which can actually create conditions in which effective negotiations can take place .
11 ‘ One telephone call which could easily have been faked from any phone box , a letter which no one outside the family has seen , and a pay-off which will supposedly take place once arrangements have been made over a telephone number they refuse to disclose .
12 Sometimes the government has the opportunity to levy taxes which will actually improve efficiency and reduce waste .
13 Hegel also saw the state as the sphere of reason , a complex differentiated unity which can dialectically overcome contradictions and conflicts in society .
14 As the author is a dealer , he appears to be in touch with objects which might otherwise escape attention , and this spices up what could be a tired subject .
15 Similar disclosure provisions already operate in the UK in relation to overseas companies which have a place of business here ( although the requirement to file group accounts would be new ) , whereas in other member states additional information may currently be required relating to that branch ( e.g. branch accounts which would effectively reveal dealings between the branch and the rest of the company ) .
16 Fourth , Hargreaves recommends that there are general school policies which can effectively improve performance .
17 But he also emphasised the need for greater spending on transport and communications , science and research and development — programmes which could yet take priority over health spending under a Labour government .
18 Midwinter and Monaghan warn that the Conservative centralising trend could be emulated in the proposals from the opposition parties for a Scottish parliament which might also take powers from local government .
19 What little money has been recovered remains the subject of a legal tussle in the courts which may yet take months to resolve .
20 These include proposals to codify in detail the criteria for applying the rule of reason , to reduce antitrust penalties for ventures that include cooperating in the production and marketing of the fruits of R&D , to establish a ‘ safe harbour ’ for collaborating firms that lack market power , and to establish an administrative review process that would clear proposals which might otherwise risk antitrust penalties ( for further details , see Brodley , 1990 ; Shapiro and Willig , 1990 ; Jorde and Teece , 1990 ; and others ) .
21 However , the authors of WFP have not thought the matter through and have come up with a set of proposals which will simply divert attention away from the real agenda which does exist for NHS capital accounting .
22 Consequently , they propose a policy more akin to that of the US and based on rules which would automatically forbid mergers above a given size .
23 By an extension of the argument , the duty is imposed in advance to deter acts which will potentially cause harm to the interests of others .
24 Residents are now anxiously awaiting the decision which will either give Mappleton a future or condemn it to perish in the North Sea .
25 Unfortunately they went back to their bad old ways during the autumn in the championship , but they have now regained that hungry look which can only spell trouble for their rivals .
26 Weber gives as reasons for this power position of the bureaucratic and political elites their possession of the means of administration and the fact that they are small groups which can easily reach agreement upon any action necessary to maintain their power .
27 In one way or another a great many people owed much to this benevolent physician and he gave to Philip Miller an opportunity which would ultimately benefit botany and horticulture throughout the world .
28 For motivation to be sustained there must be PERCEIVED EQUITABLE REWARDS which will then engender SATISFACTION .
29 We 've argued that that would stimulate migration as opposed simply to accommodate past trends , so we 've argued that , but the the problem for West Yorkshire well for Leeds in particular is that the brown field sites we have , the regeneration that we need is not of sites which would readily accommodate housing , they 're not sites which lend themselves as nice places to live .
30 This protection is paid for by chargepayers in areas which would otherwise have charges lower than the average rate bill per adult .
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