Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [prep] [det] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet another element was added to the civilization of Palermo ; and at the very end of our period , in the late 1140s , King Roger II , greatest of the Norman rulers of south Italy and Sicily , created the monument which above all others links us to his world , the royal chapel , the Capella Palatina , Norman Romanesque in architecture , Byzantine in its mosaics , Islamic in its strange and fascinating ceiling .
2 These are collocational ties which in many cases defy literal interpretation , and have to be understood metaphorically .
3 Lexical meaning can be studied by defining a particular set of words which in some way refer to the same subject , such as all colour terms .
4 In a review which in some respects reads like a premature obituary , Turney describes the current ( 1990 ) situation with regard to the place of peer review in funding UK science .
5 TWO residential homes which for many years have cared for young people and the elderly are being closed by the Salvation Army .
6 They fielded a ten-man defence which for some time looked like achieving the 0–0 draw they desired .
7 The contributions that were to be offered with the study of process may be surveyed from the viewpoint of soil science and the biogeographer , from that of the climatologist and the geomorphologist and then from the field of hydrology which to some extent provided a new focus of interest for physical geographers and one that proffered a link between at least the geomorphic and climatic aspects of physical environment .
8 He said only to the degree that when you came , you did not come , i.e. there was orgasm without emission ; a change which on several grounds has much to recommend it .
9 The second is to act as a filter to ensure that only those cases which for some reason need to proceed to a formal process of adjudication do so .
10 In many Coleopteran larvae each maxilla carries a single lobe or mala which in some cases represents the gales and in others the lacinia ( Das , 1937 ) .
11 Ostensibly objective textual scholarship adopted editorial policies which for many years worked to ensure the above assumptions could be confirmed .
12 To achieve this they pursued tight monetary policies which in many cases involved setting targets for the growth in money supply .
13 During the election campaign the party had asserted that the advanced welfare state was safe in its hands , but this promise quickly appeared to be a less than certain guarantee of the continuation of welfare programmes which in some cases had been in effect since the 1930s .
14 In a hectic 10 years from 1947 , this self-effacing designer laid the basis for a prestige brand which to this day encapsulates the fashion verve and innate stylishness of France .
15 This approach would have involved solving problems and duplicating work which in all probability had been done many times before in other organizations .
16 We begin with the 1870 Education Act which in many ways represents the beginning of the modern education system — but concentrate on legislation since 1944 .
17 Furthermore , there were attempts to change the law in specific aspects of these matters in the Single European Act which in some respects have been continued in the Maastricht text .
18 The vote had the effect of removing from the top of the political agenda , if only temporarily , an issue which for many months had caused divisive debate in the country at large , and had threatened to overshadow Pope John Paul II 's visit to his homeland , due in June .
19 In particular distinctions were drawn between errors of law going to jurisdiction and errors of law within jurisdiction and between errors of law on the face of the record and other errors on law which in neither case went to jurisdiction .
20 And along these power lines also comes death , for we recall that little bit of power in Niagara which in former days used to rid the state of its criminals .
21 Separate Audit and Remuneration Committees under the Chairmanship of have been constituted to formally replace the Committee of Non-Executive Directors which for many years has provided the Executive Chairman with independent advice on matters concerning the appointment and remuneration of Executive Directors and senior executives and on audit .
22 This will include : ( i ) the mother ; ( ii ) the father if he was married to the mother when the child was born ; ( iii ) the father , if he was not married to the child 's mother when the child was born but he has since married her or now has a residence order , a court order which gives him parental responsibility or a formal parental responsibility agreement made with the mother in accordance with s4(2) of the Act ; ( iv ) a guardian of the child which in this context means a testamentary guardian appointed in accordance with s5 of the Act ; ( v ) anyone who holds a custody or residence order relating to the child ; ( vi ) a local authority which has a care order in respect of the child ; ( vii ) anyone who has been granted an emergency protection order ; ( viii ) in the case of an adopted child , the adopters in place of the natural parents .
23 He modernized their Stratford works , using largely American labour-saving machines and equipment which in many cases enabled process costs to be reduced five- to tenfold .
24 Within a week , Matilda had finished Great Expectations which in that edition contained four hundred pages and eleven pages .
25 The necessity for a re-evaluation of tactics was further confirmed by the wave of counter-revolutionary repression which swept Latin America in the mid-1970s , the most dramatic example of which was the abrupt and extraordinarily violent termination of the Allende experiment by a Chilean military which for several decades had prided itself on respecting the nation 's democratic traditions .
26 ‘ We are profoundly concerned about the length of some waiting times first non-urgent outpatient appointments which in some cases have increased since the National Audit Office examination ’ .
27 Pagina , a move which at that time necessitated his resignation from Canterbury .
28 The expense of necessary heating and drying is not only considerable , but is ultimately hopeless — it is not a tax which in any way augments a person 's living standards , but , like protection money , merely staves off for a little longer an absolute loss .
29 My curiosity had ceased , swallowed up by a kind of dreamy awe which from that day increased in me very greatly .
30 The inhabitants of the outside world exist for the social actor not as persons whom he knows on an individualised basis , but as social types ( like mechanics or planners ) , or indistinguishable collectivities of persons ( like bureaucrats , Tories or Dinka ) The rules and conditions coming from the outside which in some way affect him are simply taken as given .
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