Example sentences of "[noun] [adv prt] and [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , if I sell at a time when there 's still a recession on and you see somebody has to get my they had a visit perhaps that was somebody that actually bought a house , not she not
2 We can put a bucket on and it fills ours up , she can put a bucket on and it 's flat .
3 And when you gallop them you put the rugs on and you walk them home quietly i if it 's a nice day like this , you give them a pick of grass in the paddock .
4 There 's a li he puts a light on and it lights it up down the , a long way down .
5 The they put the advert in and she underlined them .
6 And then er when they came back he says she says you know and I just says er and when she got out of the car , Dawn was out in the gar in the garden walking , and she said she just got out of the car and she looked over at Dawn like that took the kids in and she said I just says here you are , she said , come on Ashley over here , you stay and play in your back and your side of the er street from now on .
7 They send them a post card through and I thought it was about February , but Win reckons it 's the end of March their booster time .
8 And erm at the end of the week she 'll come and pick it up , pick the tape up and they give you a voucher for twenty five pounds for Marks 's for doing it .
9 I bought the DesignaKnit 4 Professional some months back and I feel I have to give it nothing but praise .
10 Mollie put the album back and we made our way downstairs with our collection of chemicals .
11 alright just shut up a minute , I 'm talking to ya , so she said afterwards oh I says that was good were n't it could n't even switch the machine on and she said it does n't matter does it , she said it 's not what happens its the way you deal with it , and I made a joke of it and I said to him oh this is good i n't it ? relax you 're in safe hands I ca n't even switch the machine on , but anyway I did it in the end and he was alright , and he said thank you very much , that was , you were very good , you were very kind , cos it is frightening and one thing I said to him do n't hold your breath , because people think when their having an E C G they 've got ta hold their breath for some reason , just lie there take a deep breath and do n't breathe again but you 've never had one so you would n't no , I 'm just going to mix this up
12 and there was a girl on and she said what is a bolster case and when I tried to explain to her she looked at me as if I lived in the ark and that was going back twenty years ago .
13 Cos she saw me putting the corn in and she decided she 'd try and get it by diving through the black net instead of going through the gate , like with a normal hen , you know , this one 's obviously brain dead or
14 He , he found out cos he went for , to , for a check up and they took his blood pressure .
15 And er I 've got to go back next week for a sort of check up and I mean I suppose that 'll continue for weeks to come .
16 Oh yes I enjoyed it very much but erm we had American visitors around and we had one a Captain and I 'm afraid we all fell for him cos he seemed such a handsome man and he 'd been a hero in the war , and he was engaged to , then to the then president of America 's daughter , so they informed us but erm I do n't know whether it was the truth , that 's what they , they said but of course some of the , some of the things had to be cast , the bodies had to be cast and they were , they were I do n't know whether you 'd have heard of the Orritor
17 and she 's had this bloke round and I think he 's
18 yeah , that , that bloke his got his fucking , there 's this bloke he 's got his sun glasses on and he thinks his er sun bathing , so he got this fucking what 's it , his trousers on still and he 's trying to get his trunks on and his trousers on still cos this blokes there , he 's fucking going from all this and that
19 Right , Mummy turn the pages over and you tell me what they all are .
20 Well string timbers up and you build it up , and the whole lot comes down .
21 I cleared that and fixed the vice up and they said I could do that and I used the and that in their place and er then they had to quit the premises completely , did n't they ?
22 I were that busy taking things back and I got them out .
23 but it 's beforehand eh , for instance they have little flowers that tells the story of what 's , what the plays about and I think it 's fair enough to read that , because a sighted person would go in and pick it up
24 I had to run them coals out and I tell you the they come over the top of and of course 's coming up here , 's coming down here and did meet there .
25 And they take the cartridge out and they send it down to Cardiff which is where Mel is
26 The only time that you will hear about it is whe , if you have the television on and you see it happening on the parliament and on your papers .
27 Well he , he said if they , if , if , some , get a visitor in and I give them a cup of coffee well that 's all right , but I do n't know if it 's money or , or like maybe , maybe .
28 ‘ The own goal opened the game up and I thought it was scrappy after that . ’
29 The WAAF suddenly wound the chair back and I found myself in the semi-prone position with the white bulk looming over me .
30 And she 's tipping the chalk out and she said what 's that , oh that 's the phone , under the table , pulled the rocking horse out .
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