Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] that [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One man 's prison sentence is another man 's reprieve , though having escaped a mugging by Tyson , Holyfield understands that he 's still only on bail from the charge that he 's a heavyweight fraud .
2 Thus , the separation theorem holds that there are only two portfolios in equilibrium ; the first composed of n risky assets and the second composed of the risk-free asset .
3 Taken in with his bottle of National Dried Milk and vitamin drops that it was all right to kill .
4 Koons says that it is exactly this childlike aspect that makes her vulnerable to the tacky mandarins of the porn industry , whom Koons loathes , despite the mountain of mad flesh in Made in Heaven .
5 The E version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says that he was unjustly driven from Ely and went to Rome to clear himself before the pope of the charges brought against him .
6 If you create some spare cash but your self-image says that you are always short of money , there is a danger that you will create an unexpected and expensive event — a house repair , breakdown or bad debt — so that your self-image can be maintained .
7 ( The third effect should strictly speaking be regarded as a substitute for the first since it assumes a zero , or at least a very low , interest elasticity of the demand for money whereas the Keynes effect assumes that it is reasonably powerful . )
8 Aunt Bella says that it 's more economical to buy like that , but I know it 's because she 's afraid .
9 Pointing out difficulties is a very common behaviour but is one of the riskier ones because research shows that it is far from certain how people will take it .
10 Research shows that there are currently 960 accounting systems on offer in the UK , and Headland thinks there might be some consolidation .
11 Falkowski shows that he is very much his own man as a conductor .
12 The arm , the rest of the sloping platform , and the whole of the other three figures are in Pentelic , and the treatment of the eyes shows that they are certainly of later date .
13 The historical sketch included in Macdonald 's 1904 survey of women in the printing trades states that it was indeed the pupils of Merchant Company Schools who formed the first recruits , and that these were " a better class of girl " , sometimes described as " stickit " ( would-be ) teachers .
14 The actor may while he is on stage feel deeply , say , some of the emotional references listed by Marowitz , but Stanislavsky demands that they be simultaneously translated through technique into a form that touches an audience at its deepest level of feeling .
15 This practice dictates that there is only so much money available and so meeting needs , and therefore needs themselves , must fit within financial constraints .
16 Of the Scottish Daily News , the study finds that it was inadequately financed from the outset ; was poorly equipped ; so applied the principle of workers ' control as to make ‘ executive decision taking impossible if not farcical ’ ; and produced an unacceptable product .
17 Now , Woolwich having won that litigation , the revenue asserts that it was never under any obligation to repay the money , and that it in fact repaid it only as a matter of grace .
18 where the bar over the V term means that it is exogenously determined : i.e. determined independently of M.
19 This line of thinking presupposes that there is only one kind of power .
20 Atiyah recognizes that there is no longer a consensus on the moral , religious or aesthetic ideals which supported the legal rules and principles of the nineteenth century .
21 Drawing on an analysis of American inter-organizational relations Lindblom argues that it is simply not possible for the central state to impose its wishes on the local state .
22 While ACORN 's most obvious application is in market analysis , advertising and direct marketing , CACI argues that it is equally relevant to the sales manager for setting equitable targets for different sales territories .
23 The lagged dependent variables suggest that adjustment costs are of importance whilst the presence of lagged determinants of the desired stock suggests that there is more in the data than a simple first-order partial adjustment model might permit .
24 Woodley argues that there is now considerable evidence that higher education has little to fear from an influx of mature students in terms of standards .
25 The fact that disruptive behaviour often leads to considerable stress , anxiety and absenteeism suggests that it is all the more important that schools tackle the issue with more clarity and imagination .
26 Lexical variation of this type is widespread in Durham and is not restricted to items belonging to any particular grammatical class ; Kerswill reports that it is particularly salient as a sociolinguistic marker sensitive both to the age and social class of the speaker ; but unlike either CSPs or other phonological variables , it is affected very little by speech style .
27 Despite launching those 40 new ValuePoint models , IBM Corp says that it is still supply-constrained on the earlier models of ValuePoint but that supply will be strong for the new models : ‘ Demand continues to outstrip supply with the models we currently have on the market , ’ said Angelica Horaitis , director of value brands at the IBM Personal Computer Co ; she says IBM has learned and is ready with the new ones .
28 Grima says that he is simply grateful that he has started to work off his eight-match suspension .
29 Catt accepts that it was only a minor detail in her boyfriend 's sacking but feels it has a relevance .
30 Eadwig , who bore , or affected , a royal name , looks like a significant figure , and Florence says that he was eventually reconciled with Cnut .
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