Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [conj] i [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is certainly not enough to face reality bluntly if the future develops as I describe it .
2 When Christians hear that they usually think it 's spelt S O N but it is n't , it 's S U N and the Sun of Righteousness er with healing in his wings , so Freud says and I believe it 's actually this seen it , it 's very common on Egyptian monuments it 's a picture of a sun er with , with wings , with rays shining out of it .
3 if , if Freud 's theory of the group is correct , that it 's centred on the leader playing the super role then the presumably the leader could exhort members of the group to act better than they normally would , because after all one of the super leader 's functions is to set the goals for the ego and to give the the goal , the ego something to aspire to so er and as Joy mentioned in her papers and I 'm trying to remind you of , y you , you said that quoting Freud if you recall that , that , that Freud says and I think he , he , he repeats this from the also made the same observation that in a group or a crowd people can act a lot worse than they normally would , they can be more destructive , primitive erm and er more governed by their erm base emotions as it were , but equally in a crowd people can act better than they normally would .
4 The cot side rattles as I lower it .
5 Great-gran knows that I bath her . ’
6 Kim lives because I wish him to live .
7 It 's interesting that erm many been said , many of the other local authorities in the area certainly do n't produce or put on as what Harlow Council does , they certainly do n't from the arts like Harlow Council does and I think we have all got a gratitude to the Council even in difficult times the money spends on the arts .
8 Imitation occurs if I send you verbal or non-verbal signals and you respond with similar signals .
9 I note what my hon. Friend says and I share his appreciation of the immense efforts being made by TEC board members from business and from other sectors of the community throughout the country .
10 There is evidence around the country particularly in , in , in , in Milton Keynes where that sort of arrangement applies and I think we as a County Council as the waste er as the Disposal Authority must make sure that we put in place arrangements which will encourage that sort of thing to happen .
11 True faith in God means that I distrust myself in order to trust in God .
12 Strange he should just happen to mention these artistic luminaries.A more direct hint comes when I ask him if he has influenced Government policy .
13 Reinforcement occurs when I help you in some way and you reciprocate by helping me .
14 ‘ That will get stolen , ’ the minister of health exclaims when I show him the picture of the pressure cooker that is meant to be used as a steriliser in the dispensaries .
15 Carmichael frowns as I tell him what happened on the Island yesterday .
16 The thin paper in my hand flutters as I drop it onto the bed .
17 But what if glass breaks as I make it ?
18 That 's what the grapevine says and I think I know why . ’
19 I want to know how much this little microphone set costs cos I want one .
20 Er centenary seems and I know we are round this table
21 Although self-image does not obsess me as it once did , my interest continues and I find it exciting how fashions and looks have changed ; how many more possibilities there are for creativity and self-expression via clothes and image .
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