Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [verb] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the technique has developed so the range of applications in clinical practice has expanded .
2 The State Administration for Environmental Protection has made public the names of 3,000 businesses which it says are responsible for the lion 's share of China 's industrial pollution .
3 The EEC has put together a directive to monitor organic production in Europe and to provide a definition of quality produce .
4 If the user has requested only a subset the user will be prompted to enter a start and end module name .
5 THE recession has cut dramatically the number of alcohol-related crimes .
6 The Nikkei index of share prices plunged by 3½ p.c. on both Tuesday and Wednesday , and whatever happened in the early hours of this morning , the index has lost nearly a quarter of its value this year and more than halved from its peak .
7 In particular , the moves in education to allow schools to become self-governing has shifted finance normally allocated and controlled by local authorities back to central government , whilst the selling of council houses has reduced both the size of the public housing sector controlled by local authorities and the level of financial control that accompanied this .
8 This has been undesirable , but not of critical importance because our income from invisible exports has made good the difference .
9 Religious faith has become largely the province of the unreflective and the anti-rational .
10 An alliance between farming and environmental groups has put forward an action plan to help farmers combine food production with conservation of the countryside .
11 She 's still got the voice but the politeness has slipped away a bit . ’
12 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
13 Mr Gorbachev has endorsed both the plan and the idea of soliciting western aid .
14 The Frankfurter Allgemeine has drummed home the case against Saddam Hussein .
15 However the damper does have the effect of increasing the rise time of the response , because the available motor torque has to accelerate both the load and damper inertias towards the step position .
16 Now , exclusively for TODAY , Angus has put together a quiz of the year .
17 Abel has put together a demonstration system called Guernica , which is a multimedia approach to learning about the famed Picasso painting that depicts the Nazi destruction of a peaceful Basque village by air attack during the Spanish Civil War .
18 A member of the big apple 's Grolier Club has put together an exhibition of Scottish literary treasures .
19 Freud tends to confuse here the notion of ‘ oldest ’ with that of ‘ logical priority ’ .
20 The means by which the cost of equity rises to offset exactly the use of cheaper debt is an arbitrage process and arises out of rational investors taking advantage of profitable opportunities if the market values companies according to factors other than their returns and the riskiness of the returns .
21 At some point in the second half of next year , and perhaps even earlier if President Mitterrand decides to bring forward the abolition of French controls , the Government is going to be faced with an inescapable decision .
22 The paragraph eight budget monitor does require also a resolution in relation to carried forward from
23 Freud fails to mention explicitly the way in which nationalism may exhibit these characteristics too , even though he was writing just after the end of the First World War .
24 Since then , this committee has organised both the sing and the musical festival .
25 The IT Committee has taken further the cooperation with the Centre Du Reidij in France .
26 RTP North has demonstrated clearly the benefits of teamwork by winning our Branch Cup on four consecutive occasions .
27 The village has attracted only a trickle of visitors .
28 It was surprising the battle was won , for cultural and social symbolism has taken rather a knock in our rootless ‘ can-do ’ free market society .
29 The sun has chased away the shadows of the night , but what , when it is night again ? ’
30 On those rare days when the weather has run out of rain and the sun has driven away the clouds , the wrong packed lunch can be just as disastrous .
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