Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [v-ing] [prep] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The backs of my legs were trembling at that time , but this was probably as much due to the cold as to the feeling of betrayal that had invaded my being .
2 With the aid of the LFS we were able to examine further the extent to which members of the temporary labour force in the hotel and catering industry were working on that basis because they had been unable to find permanent jobs , and to what extent they were doing so because they did not want permanent jobs .
3 She wondered what her father and brothers were doing at that moment , and pictured Niall and Roger riding in through the castle gate with more stories of escapades , cattle raids , skirmishes , pranks and hunting expeditions ; and so vividly could she imagine them that it seemed that she actually heard their voices , saw their red-cheeked smiles , and smelt the leather of their boots and the steam from their bodies when they came into the big kitchen at the end of a day .
4 Tension was rising in that city ; so was the militancy .
5 They wo n't ask for any , any do you know did you , were you there when Darrel was talking about that woman in the Post Office ?
6 She claims that Meryl was sitting on that window seat last night , wearing just her nightclothes .
7 or whatever , just let them know roughly what you 're doing , cos , all they get is a tape , it gives them an idea of what sort of things were happening at that time , any words they ca n't pick up if she 's cooking , maybe that 's something she was making or whatever , erm , in the please write the first names and details , why you know them , of all the people speaking on this side of the tape , in order in which they speak on the tape in the first , first instance , right , you know , so now Carla , my husband , myself , Lee and , you do n't need to repeat them again after that
8 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
9 On relating the story to Mr Bailey , the man asked whether a train service was running at that time of night .
10 Auguste was pontificating in that voice he used solely for discussing cuisine , a mixture of reverence , excitement , practicality and anticipation .
11 Maitrey , too , offered Gooch consolation , saying : ‘ The ball was turning in that net for anyone who bowled .
12 The House of Lords was deliberating at that moment whether such people could legally be Trustees of a Church of England School ( it was eventually decided that they could not ) .
13 ‘ I think I know why Billy was heading for that house , ’ Prentice went on .
14 He 'd heard that stainless steel was going inside that box at such a rate as to absorb the country 's entire annual output , and that the rip-offs were a scandal .
15 Leith was getting out of her short , not so sleek and well past its sell-by date Mini , when she suddenly remembered that Massingham 's top brass were moving in that day .
16 It was considered that rough copper was costing at that time £3 : 15s : 0d to produce but would sell for only £2 : 16s : 0d at the most .
17 The shadow was turning on that landing , moving up the next set of stairs after them .
18 I remember when I found out Mandy was sleeping with that geek Kevin , I felt like throttling the pair of them .
19 My route drew no special attention , since many others were moving over that way to watch a magnificent Tau-cluster Megaliner thunder in , no doubt carrying another load of rich hot burners .
20 The need to regularise transactions in east Kent may also suggest the existence of organised points of entry for traders , but no such settlement of this date has been identified , although there are strong hints that Kent was moving towards that development in the seventh century with commercial centres on the Wantsum Channel and the River Stour ( Hodges 1982a ) .
21 We left as darkness was descending on that foreboding place and nothing could have made us stay or convinced us that there was not something awful waiting in the station .
22 Mrs Chalk was clattering round in the kitchen , and a savoury aroma was wafting from that region .
23 He remembers the Very High Frequency ( VHF ) radio was far superior to the kit the RAF was using at that time .
24 The Mid Hampshire coroner , Grahame Short , said : ‘ It seems that Sarah was contemplating at that time taking her life .
25 What on earth was happening to that girl she had left behind in London ?
26 but er Eileen she 's got four of them , you know , Margaret was living with that lad for ten years were n't she ?
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