Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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31 Prior to that the only way that you could get sweets was if you had the necessary ration coupons .
32 Indeed the real significance of the Welfare State report was that it marked the beginning of the end not for the health service but for the CPRS .
33 A distinguishing feature of spinning when put out to the cottage women and children was that it created the possibility of increasing the money earnings of the family from an occupation distinct from that of the man .
34 ‘ This was exactly what Martinez had planned , and the rumour was that he worked the whole scheme out with Derek Jefferson .
35 One reason why some of the most energetic of antislavery activists in the 1830s resorted to the mass public meeting , the public lecture , the organisation of vast petitions and the delegate convention was that they lacked the easy personal access to ministers and administrators which an earlier generation of antislavery leaders possessed .
36 The rationale of the putting-out system was that it enabled the merchant capitalist to draw on only as much labour as he needed at any given condition of the market .
37 Perhaps the most unusual feature of the diagram was that it represented the figure as having a twin backbone .
38 Michael 's problem was that he saw the glamour in Frank 's position : the love of liberty ; the excitement in the free pursuit of truth ; the shaking off of convention and mere conformity ; the feeling that religion was a ‘ stuffy valley ’ out of which he had grown .
39 An objection to the use of the defence in this case was that it enabled the court to evade the statutory prohibition on applying volenti non fit injuria .
40 Their excuse was that they feared the influence of those Catholic lords who , pretending to be the king 's loyal advisers , were in fact anxious to restore his mother to the throne .
41 If one interpretation of the social contract was that it promised the development of the ‘ social wage ’ of state benefits and services in exchange for sacrifice on the side of wages and salaries , this became increasingly problematic after the government turned to the International Monetary Fund to help finance the balance of payments and bolster the pound .
42 Such examples apart , a consequence of the decline of cottage spinning and knitting was that it removed the earnings of children as well as of grown women .
43 One reason why the Peace Ballot was able to attract such enormous support was that it brought the LNU off the political fence .
44 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
45 Film was nothing in itself but what had confirmed its worthlessness was that it seemed the exclusive property of a class of showmen who were direct descendants of the old fairground showmen .
46 One of the things that he objected to about a tradition of painting that was governed by a scientific , single viewpoint system of perspective was that it gave the spectator an incomplete picture or idea about the subject .
47 The advice from her solicitor was that they undertook the adventure at their own risk and ought to abide by the consequences .
48 The only sad note was that I missed the second half and was given no credit for our victory , despite masterminding the whole tactical approach to the game .
49 The only advantage of the proposals from the government 's point of view was that they offered the possibility of appearing to reduce central government expenditure , a cause dear to the Tory heart .
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