Example sentences of "[noun] [is] the [noun] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 If the issue today in some people 's eyes is the need for this community in Greater York to be one hundred percent self sufficient then perhaps we really ought to go pack up and er go home , er because there 's no way that er a settlement that one could envisage in Greater York or perhaps anywhere else can be a hundred percent self sufficiency , self sufficient , you 're not going to get a shopping mall , you 'd be unlikely to get a a major touring theatre , so you can not aim for a hundred percent self sufficiency , you aim for what is appropriate for the size of the community and particularly its relationship to existing settlements er in the general area .
2 Constant environmental change and uncertainty is the reality for most organisations today requiring different organisational forms , corporate cultures which reward creativity and innovation , and a rethinking of the role and purpose of management .
3 The way that this has been done in the past is the subject of the next chapter ; the way that it might be done in the future is the justification for this book .
4 With regard to the assessment of fitness for interview , a key issue is the need for any standardised approach to incorporate a record of the reasons for particular decisions .
5 Swansea is the venue for this conference on Current best practice in separations technology , which will take place on 19–20 February 1992 .
6 However , not everyone believes that eliminating middle management from organisations is the panacea for all corporate ills .
7 The Torah is the basis for all the Jewish laws and our moral code and our laws come from this .
8 Aridity too puts a brake on , for water is the medium for all the chemical reactions in both plants and soil , and these can not happen in its absence .
9 It is in this sense that the scientific management approach and that of the Human Relations school that we discussed in earlier chapters are both managerialist in that increased efficiency of the organisation is the context for both approaches .
10 Your father is the MP for that constituency , I understand . ’
11 The basis of the book is that we are unfulfilled because we 've grown too sophisticated for God , we 're lonely , we 're morally confused , and I think God is the answer for this , it fashions , religion fashions the kind of community in which you 're redeemed from loneliness , it gives you the sense that when you come close to the end of your life you do n't have to panic that you have wasted your life because religion can show you that you have made a difference to the world .
12 Keele is the place for such controversial discussion and conversation upon this very important subject continued long after the speaker and the audience had left the lecture room .
13 Say wk is the weight on the arc from the current node to the kth node in the layer above , and diffk is the diff for this upper node ; then
14 A haunted theatre is the setting for this exciting and atmospheric thriller from the author of ‘ Night Must Fall ’ .
15 This retreat into the safety of headquarters with its separation from reality is the route for these ‘ bastards with no teeth ’ ; it is the rightful place for those ‘ nine-til-five administrators who turn up when real polises have been up and at it for hours , and then ask their daft questions because of their lack of practical experience ’ .
16 Featureless sheds surrounded by the requisite area of unkempt grass and undersized dying trees as well as an extensive car park is the norm for most types of modern industry .
17 Half an hour is the minimum for each side ; so if the moot starts at 8.30 p.m. , and if three judges each take ten minutes to give judgment , it is 10 p.m. even if not a minute has been lost — and this does not allow time for the presiding judge to invite the audience to comment before judgment is given .
18 The secure knowledge of a parent 's presence is the precondition for such exploration , as it is for satisfying curiosity and for sharing new experiences .
19 She is a classic instance of a social doctrinaire who believes beyond all argument that socialist doctrine is the panacea for all human ills .
20 Rome is the centre for most of these .
21 Offsetting this cost is the possibility for some to make their own developments off the back of previous transfers of knowledge .
22 Again , these misconceptions are important , because the ‘ common origin' idea is the basis for some forms of therapy used with chemical sensitive patients .
23 Death is the penalty for those who break covenant — but Moses ' selfless intercession prevents Israel 's extermination .
24 You know my mother is the doorkeeper for some of the boxes in the Opera House .
25 Well the the other thing about er that involves Margaret is the arrangements for this Wednesday .
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