Example sentences of "[noun] [is] the [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Poverty rather than indifference is the reason for Moscow 's inaction , it seems : it was Mikhail Gorbachev who in his autumn 1988 UN speech in New York proposed that the UN should set up an emergency centre for the environment .
2 Jack Steer is the spokesperson for education on the Labour benches , and Harvey Markovitch is a Governor at the Banbury School .
3 The important finding which appears in Study 3 but which did not in Groeger and Chapman study is the tendency for subjects to rate the risky situations as significantly lower on normality but higher on speed .
4 All aggregates are made up of their constituent parts — for example , we see later that the total demand for a country 's output consists of the sum of individual demands and can be written as follows : where AD is total ( or aggregate ) demand , C is the sum of all individual consumers ' demands for goods and services , I is the sum of all individual firms ' demands for investment goods , C is the government 's demand for goods and services , X is the total foreign demand for the country 's exports and M is the demand for imports .
5 Horton in Ribblesdale is the springboard for explorations in this area .
6 Miami , Florida is THE place for girls who like to live life to the full .
7 An important feature of the Scottish Council 's work is the opportunity for members to exchange views with visitors and specialists .
8 An important feature of the Scottish Council 's work is the opportunity for members to exchange views with visitors and specialists .
9 Koa is the choice for back and sides .
10 A triplet of bases signifying an amino acid is referred to as a CODON , e.g. GCU is the codon for Alanine .
11 One of their particular concerns is the procedure for changes in the remuneration package .
12 Kim 's the tit for tat flasher !
13 Problem factoring is the rationale for organization ; organization permits factoring and thus facilitates the management of problems .
14 Displays of that sort is the future for cars .
15 If deterrence is the justification for punishment , it seems almost certain that the penal system in the United Kingdom is engaging in massive and unjustifiable ‘ overkill ’ .
16 Even with training , an area which justifies your attention is the preparation for meetings .
17 One parallel with the Marshall period is the appetite for advice to both government and enterprises .
18 Failure is the springboard for profit .
19 An added wildcard is the attraction for PEPs .
20 He will tell them that the fight for Albion is the fight for Britain 's manufacturing base and that the plant 's plight clearly highlights the need for Government action and an active industrial policy .
21 EMI 's Abbey Road is the venue for Nagano 's Rite , a leaner sound of startling clarity ( should one be able to hear the contrabassoon this consistently in the final ‘ Danse sacrale ’ ? ) .
22 And Thailand is the place for T-shirts , Canada for car hire and Australia for camera film .
23 ‘ It 's a translation — Aphrosyne is the Greek for foolishness ; for folly .
24 I have shown that his quest for Truth is the quest for Reality or God , and the attempt to live in accordance with the religious and ethical ideals of the Hindu way of life .
25 Leicester coaching director Tony Russ is adamant Back is the man for England 's future .
26 A major reason for the apparent conflict is the tendency for scholars to focus , in their study of language , either on the internal structure of the language system or alternatively on the uses to which the resources of language are put in inter-personal communication .
27 We consider it most likely , that alternative translation initiation is the mechanism for generation of the N-Oct 5 proteins .
28 The Directory of Social Change , though , doubts charity is the reason for industry 's involvement in education .
29 Drach is the Catalan for dragon , is n't it ?
30 Part of the emphasis is the need for BPX to be comfortable with risk-taking and risk-sharing .
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