Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [conj] it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The attractiveness of the cultural explanation of religion is that it appears to account for the diversity in religious practices and beliefs without the necessity to get involved in controversy .
2 The reason the coding metaphor has such currency in contemporary talk about perception is that it seems to suggest a way in which very simple and apparently homogenous elements such as nerve impulses can generate the richness and variety of consciousness .
3 One story told against the KGB is that it tried to steal the design secrets of the Anglo-French supersonic aircraft Concorde .
4 A second limitation of the Keynesian model as we have outlined it in this chapter is that it fails to take adequately into account the problem of inflation .
5 Cos one of the things that I said , you know , just when I was looking through the last five or six months is that it did seem er , to be inconsistent in terms of certain areas like the first floor , there 's an awful lot of reporting going on but , there was very little from the other , from the other areas .
6 One of the oddities of Foucault 's work is that it seems riven by an internal tension — for example , as peter Dews notes , while on the one hand Foucault lays claims to a form of objectivity in his archaeology , and eschews interpretation in favour of ‘ intelligibility ’ , on the other hand throughout his life he was also prone to endorse a Nietzschean insistence on the interminability of interpretation .
7 My primary criticism of the work is that it tries to encompass too much .
8 There can be no doubt that this course has heightened the management skills of some of those working in the voluntary sector , but an extra benefit is that it had widened the links between I B M and you , and widened the understanding between both of us .
9 However , the most significant objection to the Act is that it has extended the scope of the common law exemption so that husbands are not criminally liable for acts of buggery or indecent assault perpetrated against their wives , save in the exceptional circumstances mentioned above .
10 The first is that he has got her into bed so easily and the second is that it seems to mean nothing to her .
11 The motion before such a committee is that it has considered an instrument , so that the only means of protest is to vote against the motion — in effect , deny doing what has been done !
12 A complaint made by radical criminology against its conservative counterpart is that it has ignored upper-world crime : fraud , corporate crime and white-collar crime .
13 The crucial question is whether it manages to liberate at least as much energy from fusions as was expended in running a particle accelerator to produce that muon in the first place .
14 This was first proposed in 1974 but when the Environmental Protection Bill becomes law , the UK will be the first European country to put in place a national system of integrated control The importance of IPC is that it aims to treat the environment as it is : an inter-related system where pollutants can be exchanged between air , water and land .
15 One consequence is that it has caused substantial administrative problems for us .
16 The flaw of monism is that it tends to view a text as an undifferentiated whole , so that examination of linguistic choices can not be made except on some ad hoc principle .
17 The main point about the Caribbean crisis is that it has guaranteed the existence of a socialist Cuba .
18 The crux of a personality article is that it aims to satisfy a reader 's curiosity .
19 One of the interesting aspects of the executive search business is that it has enabled some people , who have not been truly successful at other careers they have undertaken , to be more than successful in executive search .
20 The point is that it has taken players like Wallace and Hardenberger to contradict the cliches about the limitations of the instrument and to prove how flexible it really is .
21 The problem with this ‘ high ’ structuralism is that it tends to offer only an extremely objectivist account of social action , in which the human actor is merely a vehicle for the autonomous working of certain ordering principles .
22 One of the saddest effects of the radical trade unionism of recent years is that it has divided teacher from teacher , head teacher from staff , teachers from ancillary workers , schools from parents .
23 But the chances are it will still be there , and the evidence is that it has existed in a recognizable form throughout human history , everywhere in the world .
24 A drawback is that it 's put them in the frame for some pretty clueless advances from non-comprehending journalists eager to get to the bottom of this modernist lark .
25 The problem for the potential incumbent is that it has to get enough customers signed up to enable the prices quoted to be profitable .
26 In Germany , the Bundespost Telekom 's argument is that it has to complete the reconstruction of eastern Germany 's telecommunications infrastructure before it can allow competition , Vallance said .
27 The parties ' best current estimate of night traffic is that it has dropped from 190 to 29 movements per night since Norfolk Line 's departure .
28 The image of royalty gives us an idea just how powerful and proud the train is as it seems to influence and belittle all the things around it .
29 One qualification that should be made to the general formula that Lord Goddard laid down in Hinchcliffe v. Sheldon is that it appears to make a person guilty of obstructing by omission , and the view may be expressed that this is not the law .
30 A parallel attraction of the theory is that it seems to constrain perception to be true — to be only about things that impinge on the nervous system ; that are , in other words , ‘ really there ’ .
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