Example sentences of "[noun] [that] has [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This is a policy intention that has been attributed to Toby Weaver , and which ( as Sir Toby ) he largely confirmed in an article in 1982 .
2 Slade LJ continued by pointing out that , although the breach of a positive covenant is not always capable of remedy : Nevertheless , I would , for my part , accept … submission that the breach of a positive covenant ( whether it be a continuing breach or a once and for all breach ) will ordinarily be capable of remedy … the concept of capability of remedy for the purpose of section 146 must surely be directed to the question whether the harm that has been done to the landlord by the relevant breach is for practicable purposes capable of being retrieved .
3 W what I go for are two major points I think which actually demonstrate the fallaciousness of this budget that has been proposed to us as an amendment .
4 I think Mr Chairman that the r the budget that has been put to all by this side of the house should be supported and I sincerely hope that er we will get support from others in this Council Chamber .
5 I find difficulty believing that they will be able to do that , simply because the detailed assessment that has been done to date , as we 've heard so many times is is incomplete .
6 They have a very strong smell that has been likened to a variety of disagreeable substances , from stale sweat to rotten onions .
7 To ensure that the brand of yoghurt you are buying really is live , add a spoonful to some warm milk that has been heated to boiling point and then allowed to cool .
8 Medication Imipramine ( a tricyclic antidepressant , Tofranil ) is the only drug that has been shown to be significantly more effective than a placebo in reducing wetting frequency .
9 We all know , and indeed can see with our own eyes , the damage that has been done to the countryside in pursuit of production .
10 Does the hon. Gentleman have the grace to accept that that is clear evidence of the damage that has been done to our economy by a Government who have no industrial policy ?
11 Will my hon. Friend therefore give me an undertaking that he will visit Dartford early in the new year , or on Christmas day if need be , to see for himself the damage that has been done to our river and how much has been lost ?
12 At the end of a period of unemployment , however , the unemployment benefit office notifies the claimant of the amount of taxable benefit that has been paid to them .
13 The study will involve interviews and discussions with those actually involved in the provision of transport services with the intention of assessing the qualitative effects of deregulation and thus provide additional insights to supplement the quantitative work that has been conducted to date .
14 On the hon. Gentleman 's first point , if he implies any strictures at all , he should be aware of the amount of help that has been given to the police force since 1979 .
15 Is the Minister aware of the broad welcome that has been given to the development of such a service in various parts of the country ?
16 Another insight that has been coming to me consistently is that instead of beseeching God to undertake certain actions or to grant certain mercies or blessings we should state our faith that He is already and always at work in the way that we desire , so that our petition becomes an expansion of our address to Him , a relative clause expressing our conviction of faith that He is already doing what we were about to request Him to do .
17 Another symptom that has been attributed to excess caffeine is the restless legs syndrome .
18 " Guard the truth that has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit " , writes Paul to Timothy , " and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also . "
19 One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the publicity that has been given to the hills by him and numerous other writers of magazine articles and books over the past 20 or 30 years .
20 I think er the original plan would have envisaged er a very high proportion of that work having been converted to a fixed price at this point in the programme because according to the original programme not only would the aircraft have flown but we would be entering production investment at this stage and we would there be be fairly confident about the er maturity of the design , however the programme has proceeded much more slowly than originally planned and the amount of er the price that has been converted to a fixed price is indeed quite modest er we have in fact I think only converted eight of the price packages to a fixed price er basis so far .
21 Viktor Korovin , who was elected director of Uralmash by its workforce last summer , says that its ‘ financial situation is very complicated ’ , by which he means that few of the company 's heavy-industrial clients can afford to pay for the machinery that has been delivered to them .
22 I want to ensure that the genuine claims of those who are in need are dealt with properly , promptly and accurately , I do not want campaigns to be organised on the basis that people sign a piece of paper that has been delivered to them by a welfare rights organisation .
23 And the la I think the last paragraph which is er refers to some advice that has been given to you .
24 That is not the advice that has been given to me .
25 Now politics has to be reinvented to make parties and programmes and politicians capable of understanding the message that has been sent to them in the spring of 1992 .
26 Would it be the , the will of the general assembly that we take a vote on the amendment that has been , the addendum that has been made to number two at this stage ?
27 Although I realise that he can not know of a particular incident that has been drawn to my attention today , is he aware that information has been sent to deceased claimants , thus causing a great deal of distress to the families concerned ?
28 In the book I have attempted to give a practical interpretation of the soft systems approach , an interpretation that has been found to be of value in many studies with which I have been associated .
29 The whole area , a thicker , stronger basalt pavement , is funnel-shaped and the water pours back into the central hole that has been emptied to a depth of three or more metres .
30 The second part of the project will involve an assessment of the usefulness of statistical tests in deciding how to reformulate or reestimate an economic model that has been found to be inadequate .
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