Example sentences of "[noun] [that] came [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 How could she be expected to cope with stupid computers that had n't the wit to understand a simple error , or calculators that came up with the wrong numbers ?
2 He could see by the dark light that came down from the night sky , a sky that glowed with vivid city lights , that on stands in nearby cages other eagles were listening to his story and staring at him silently .
3 The barges used to come down the Leeds and Liverpool canal right down to Tate and Lyle 's , where they had chutes that came down from the building into the barges and the coal was sucked up because the coal was very fine ; and the poor people there — they 'd be on the other side of the canal and one would perhaps get on a barge and throw two or three pieces of coal and then scamper up .
4 Scientists have studied how the cloud of electrons , protons and neutrons that came out of the big bang would have coalesced to make nuclei and atoms ; their studies correctly predict the proportion of various chemical elements in the universe .
5 It was one of the schools that came out of the Reformation , for it was founded during the reign of Queen Mary by a landowner who sat for Derbyshire in Parliament .
6 There was frequently a hair-tidy of the same design on the dressing-table , a little dish with a lid , and a hole through which one could push the hair that came out on the comb .
7 We now turn to statements on the curriculum that came out of the debate .
8 They all rave about Muddy , Charlie Patton and Son House — singers that came out of the same patch in Coahoma County — but they turn all reticent and confused when it comes to the act that 's outlived and outsold them all .
9 He also had to watch out for the bears that pounced on you if you stepped on the lines in the pavement , and the killer bats that hung upside down in the shadows under the roof of the railway arch , and the rats that came out of the cracks in the brickwork and infected you with their deadly diseases simply by breathing out into the same air that you breathed in .
10 I was determined it was at the burn that came down by the distillery at the edge of the town .
11 There was n't even a mantle , it as a wall bracket that came out of the wall with a little tiny gas jet that fanned out sot of thing and that was your illumination for the the bedroom .
12 And it was one of the critici criticisms that came out of the er I think it was one of the annual general meetings non-executive directors in there to oversee er basically as another control against Mister himself I suppose really at the end of the day .
13 The cry that came in from the cold
14 Dr Tariq , frail and looking as though the gentle zephyr that came in off the Tigris might flatten him , could muster a savage temper when attacked .
15 Up to now all we 've got are light gases the gases that came out of the Big Bang .
16 A pass from Venus sounds like the definitive long-ball game , and Villa 's central defenders , Paul McGrath and Mountfield , did well to defend a series of attacks that came out of the night sky .
17 Also had further letter from Notts County Council about Nottinghamshire Minerals local plan , asking us again if we have any representations to make , I think it was decided at a previous meeting that we did not , erm Colin Williamson , production of development and planning at Newton and Sherwood District Council , it 's proposal to run seminars for Parish Councils on planning policies , law and procedures , and we would like to know erm whether erm we would be interested in attending , and how many people would wish , he he has earmarked temporarily twenty eighth of March , which is a Monday , as a possible date at town hall , so if er if you think that would be something that you would be erm interested in going to , the topics erm are really I think things that came up at the Parish Council 's conference , the questions about planning , about the rules , and the policies , and the procedures etcetera , the erm , and visitors were talking last thing for sixth of December for five minutes , and the discussion for half an hour to three quarters , commencing at half past seven , so er if anyone 's interested in attending that ?
18 It started in the 38th minute with a straightforward close range blast after Wright destroyed the Ipswich defence and curled an audacious chip-shot that came back from the underside of the bar .
19 They were used to store the very large volume of offerings and tribute that came in from the townspeople and from the people living in the surrounding countryside ; administrating the inflow and redistribution of this temple tribute was a major function of the Minoan temple .
20 She said : " I felt at an earlier stage there were enough moderate Africans who could have taken their place alongside whites in government and there would have been much more evolution towards African leadership than the revolution that came about in the end .
21 Despite these important responsibilities the relationship that came over to the objectors was one of cosy acquiescence between these bureaucracies and the nuclear industry .
22 ( WES ) ( ANNE ) Still to come on Central News … the round the world race that came down to the line .
23 Primitive people had inspired knowledge that came out of the archetypes .
24 For of all those peppered by the shotgun blast of criticism that came out of the Cleveland inquiry , where in little more than three months 121 children were diagnosed as actual or possible victims of child sexual abuse , only Dr Higgs still does not know her future and faces effective dismissal .
25 And you the wee envelopes that came in with the black edging on them .
26 You 've no idea the miners and , and people that came out onto the road and had nowhere to go or stay and had nothing .
27 It 's now forgotten that when Hugh Dalton began to publish his memoirs with large chunks of his diary in in the late fifties and early sixties , particularly the the high tide volume that came out about the Labour government of forty five to fifty one which was very venomous .
28 The Spectrum 's PCB is screwed onto four plastic pillars using the screws that came out of the Spectrum so do n't drop any of them !
29 Sapiens International Corp NV has definitive agreement to acquire SmartStar Corp , the privately-held Goleta , California that came up with the first applications generation language for Digital Equipment Corp 's VAX/VMS , and is now working on object-oriented user interfaces for databases .
30 There were some … compensations that came out of the experience of sitting round a hospital bed with my father and my sister . ’
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