Example sentences of "[noun] [that] he had just [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Miller next wrote on 15 February 1757 reporting that he had just received a letter from Bartram , written at the beginning of November , with the ‘ disagreeable account that neither of my letters , wrote last summer ’ had arrived and thus some of his important queries had not been considered .
2 He had a serious expression on his face and there were no signs that he had just escaped a raging inferno .
3 Last week , my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Education and Science said that he was not going to tell teachers how to teach in primary schools or pre-empt the outcome of the inquiry that he had just announced .
4 And he goes on to reveal in the letter that he had just taken a day off ‘ work ’ to watch a Tennessee high school football game with Ginger Alden , the 20-year-old Tennessee beauty queen who bore a startling resemblance to his mother and whom he called ‘ little Gladys ’ .
5 He parked the machine and announced to a stunned crowd that he had just retired .
6 The Exec Director gave the DDA a number that he had just received from his bureau chief in London .
7 Jones had already used a variety of materials , one of which was palladium , and was preparing to obtain the final proof with his detector that he had just spent two years building .
8 Given Brainerd 's background in the publishing industry , mainly newspapers , and the fact that he had just left Atex it is hardly surprising that the program was designed around the traditional ‘ cut and paste ’ working methods .
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