Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [pers pn] never [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I sometimes feel a great sense of loss and disappointment that she never saw me grow up .
2 In everything , a compromise is the answer and by not expecting the horse to go too close to a potentially spooky object , kidding the horse that you never intended him to go near it , will avert an argument or tension .
3 I should say at this point that I never read my own articles once they have appeared in print .
4 Modest in the sense that he never proclaimed his talents — and they were real and varied : he was , I have heard , a very good businessman , and I know him to have been a first rate chess player and a notable painter . ’
5 I 've got a piece of artwork on the floor that I never thought I 'd see .
6 After a few false starts a whole vocabulary and syntax that he never knew he knew begins to well up from his old-fashioned black portable .
7 You brought me happiness that I never thought I would know again in this world , and you 've added to it every day . ’
8 He had never invited anyone to dinner at the house , for the simple reason that they never had anything he could honestly call dinner .
9 It was for that reason that I never showed him my poem ‘ To Thomas Hardy in 1940 ’ .
10 So I have discovered reserves of strength that I never knew I had . ’
11 Not only have I learned that soon I will not only be responsible for myself but a small vulnerable child who for many years to come will be under my protection , but I have also gained an inner strength that I never knew I was capable of having .
12 She stood dreaming , trying to imagine what it must be like to walk up the aisle to the side of a man who was waiting to marry you , and so enthralled was she with her imaginings that she never heard him .
13 Such was the austerity of his habits that it never entered his head himself to have any kind of formal dinner in which I could join .
14 The cold and dreadful pain that she never told herself was jealousy went through Alice .
15 Yet at the age of forty he still regarded himself a failure because his mother had projected on to him her anxieties to such an extent that he never felt he matched up to her expectation of him .
16 Well , I 'll tell you something , if it is , we 'll have many more happy moments like it , because I feel I 've just found you and I feel sorry for Mother that she never found you . ’
17 She said it courteously , using the same polite professional tone that he was using himself , all the time hating the fact that he never teased her now .
18 Madame was our constant ; against the fact that she never changed her style or her outfit ( it was always the same dress , every night ) you could measure the changes in all the other faces and bodies that you spent the night scrutinising — faces subtly altered by a recent bitterness or passion , a body sagging under the pressure of losing a partner or made alert by the proximity of a new or potential one .
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