Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [pron] [vb base] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And although I have occasionally considered a larger tank in the house ( I have a 48″ × 15″ × 15″ ) , accommodating it would involve so much disruption that I have never bitten the bullet .
2 I could do a couple of tapes worth of slang words that they 've never heard of before .
3 Never make a rash move in conflicting traffic situations because you 'll find yourself Er they might gesticulate at you , they might blow their horn at you , they might say some very rude words that you 've never heard before .
4 It is one of my proudest boasts that I have never thought about insurance and I am convinced that , even under torture , I could resist the temptation .
5 Some violence is , of course , sheer unadulterated sadism with an accompanying orgiastic delight in hurting and remember that we all have a sadistic capacity and there are not many people so out of touch with the darker , deeper aspects of their human nature that they have never indulged a sadistic fantasy .
6 the island boasts an abundance of wild life — you will see animals , birds and fish that you have never dreamed of in a setting of luxurious vegetation .
7 If you are going for a job that you have never done before , either from necessity or because you are looking for a change of direction , you should take care to prepare for this question by listing all the experience and personal qualities you have which suit you for the job .
8 Maybe you have weapons that we have never encountered , but those I have seen we can use as well as any of your men .
9 There were a couple of things that I 've never seen anywhere since , relics of Victorian engineering .
10 So I was the owner of an empty container in which were things that I have never seen nor wished to know about .
11 You will probably do things that you have never done before in your life .
12 Within the frame that we have never left , Dublin , and which we meet again in the opening sentence , is to be enacted strange as the dreaming that permeates it , Joyce 's relation to his languages , to language .
13 And where are all those that are in the book that we have never seen ?
14 And then I 'm going to make you say my name in a way that you 've never said it before , ’ he told her huskily .
15 A stranger coming in to the house that you 've never seen before
16 If you eat the right foods and take some exercise you will begin to understand and know your body better and you will be able to discern something that is just a muscular ache from carrying heavy shopping from a pain that you have never encountered before .
17 The woman was definitely shocked , and by the fact that I 've never bathed my child .
18 Apart from the fact that I 've never known her dig up a weed or pick a single daffodil , she simply is n't cut out for that kind of work . ’
19 My continuing admiration for his work is not diminished by the fact that I have never received it , nor did I really expect it .
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