Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] them and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If females are concentrated together then it is much easier for a single male to herd them and defend them from other males .
2 They could either follow their husbands into battle , taking their children with them , or they could stay at home , unprotected and unsupported and wait for the pillaging Parliamentarians or the papist Royalists to capture them and confiscate their property .
3 It was this that led testators to value them and to confirm their wills in trust form .
4 They need a few outstanding individuals to lead them and to rally them when they flee .
5 In ‘ Amongst Women ’ the women finally win through , break the father despite his best efforts to bully them and break their spirits .
6 It follows that any strategy to protect them and to ensure their future must include all these aspects , rather than attempt to protect one at the expense of others .
7 In addition , mentally handicapped people have a right to expect people to understand them and accept them within the society of which they are a part ; a right to be born and a right to live .
8 And sometimes they need external authority to control them and give them standards and tell them what to do .
9 I can see no moral difference between seeking out mongol children in the womb to kill them and putting them into gas chambers after birth .
10 The social worker will be like a skilled ‘ friend ’ to them , who can help them in many areas of their life , perhaps by suggesting ways of overcoming loneliness by putting them in contact with the type of activity , club , Day Centre or workshop that would interest them , and arranging suitable transport for this ; or , if they are not particularly keen on group social activities , sometimes by finding individual volunteers to visit them and take them out ; although it should be remembered that no social worker or voluntary visitor can ever be a real substitute for care from their own family .
11 With more express items carrying the same design , it will be easier for all countries throughout the world to recognise them and give them priority treatment .
12 In Africa visitors are looked upon as a blessing and people go out of their way to meet them and make them feel truly welcome and at home .
13 They dreamed together their first dream of life : of its glories and its fame , of the life that lay beyond the prison walls of this school and beyond this miserable town , which to despise was their delight , of the life that must open up soon before them , that was only waiting for the two of them in order to receive them and shower them with its infinite gifts !
14 The first such coins were made from electrum from the rivers that flowed down from the Troilus Mountains , but advantage was soon taken of the different status in the traditional value system of the gold and silver components to separate them and use them for different denominations .
15 The green men in their cloaks of leaves and branches then discovered them , and came down to the beach and circled Dulé and his companions where they lay prone , and shook their fronds and squatted on their haunches and kicked their legs and tossed their heads and slapped palm to thigh , in order to rally them and send them off again ; pouring spirits and water into their faces to invigorate them , beating out a rhythm with their feet .
16 Although you may still find them on sale in the spring , they 're unlikely to be at their best by then so now is the time to buy them and get them planted before the bad frosts .
17 Oh I dug out my , or the company 's in fact , membership of P C W World , erm and tomorrow I 've got a note to phone them and ask them how much their keyboards are for Amstrads .
18 Ruth would retire behind her screen to read them and stored them in one of her drawers .
19 Pieper tried and failed to get hold of the outfits to brief them and to gauge their reaction .
20 What a spot to educate them and teach them , to the best of my humble and weak abilities , their duty towards God and fellow creatures . ’
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