Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [adv] [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The company sees its future as mainly GUI-shaped and admits that Aspect takes advantage of the lack of GUI standards : ‘ standards will not happen ’ , commented Malcolm Neill , the company 's director , who formed Goldmine with fellow-ex Sybase UK employee John Rodford and technical director Brian Clarke , one of the originals at Pyramid UK .
2 John Bartram lost his parents while still young and lived with his grandparents who had emigrated to America with William Penn in 1682 .
3 They 'd treat my questions as entirely innocent and provide the answers without the slightest difficulty . ’
4 Prof Carter described the laboratory evidence as really dramatic but said it is too early to say whether the same effect can be produced in patients .
5 Moreover , they regard the A afarensis toes as comparatively short and say that Stern and Susman have been selective in the toe bones they analysed , concentrating on those from the largest specimen .
6 It claims that the normal way to establish that a person has authority over another person involves showing that the alleged subject is likely better to comply with reasons which apply to him ( other than the alleged authoritative directives ) if he accepts the directives of the alleged authority as authoritatively binding and tries to follow them , rather than by trying to follow the reasons which apply to him directly .
7 Whisk the egg whites until really stiff and fold them carefully into the mixture .
8 Many LEAs deliberately try to avoid invoking the formal legal procedures unless absolutely necessary and have developed procedures which enable individual truancy cases to be examined ‘ in the round ’ , with diagnostic and remedial intervention which obviates the need to press for legal sanctions .
9 Its historical and current popularity with whites is accountable in terms of its members ' conformity to the image of the black man as physically adept but lacking in the intellectual equipment to harness his skill to firm objectives .
10 Critics within the ruling United National Party ( UNP ) , who reportedly regarded Premadasa 's style as excessively authoritarian and resented the influence of the Mahasangha ( Buddhist clergy ) , had joined opposition MPs in signing a petition for his impeachment , which they submitted to the Speaker of Parliament on Aug. 27 .
11 Other assessment and gatekeeper roles exist because , at least in the past , there have been few alternatives to doctors as sufficiently skilled and entrusted guardians of limited public resources .
12 Urwin recognizes that dominant ideas of good motherhood appeal to women 's fantasies , but she endorses feminist prescriptiveness about maternity when she pictures these fantasies as mainly pernicious and restricting .
13 Nottingham failed to solve the problem until too late and created as a consequence some of the worst slums in any town in England .
14 She had her own yardstick by which she measured complaints as either trivial or needing attention .
15 The ministry described the problem as very serious and has asked the National Disaster Council to deal with the problem .
16 The Advisory Committee published a consultation document on the subject in February 1993 , but the Law Society 's Property and Commercial Services Committee has condemned the approach in the document as gravely inadequate and based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the implications .
17 The difference between Weber 's position and the more sophisticated Marxisms which see culture as relatively autonomous and interacting with the economy in a reciprocal ( or ‘ dialectical ’ ) relationship is perhaps not great .
18 I dismissed the thoughts as too disturbing and concentrated instead on Selkirk 's poem .
19 It would be easy to dismiss scanned photographs as simply worthless and suggest that you just leave a gap in the page and let your printer look after the problem for you .
20 Hughes dismissed alternatives to coal , oil and nuclear power as either uneconomical or unproven .
21 Her parents got on badly , and she described her mother as extremely cold and rejecting .
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