Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 ILL-MANNERED Tories booed , hissed and slow-handclapped Brighton 's Labour mayor as she told them the hard facts of life in Major 's Britain .
2 The Court of Appeal held that he had appropriated the goods for the purposes of theft when he showed them the goods and invited them to buy .
3 They said they would not let my back into the village until I got them a ration card and some wheat .
4 Different respondents may use different frames of reference unless we tell them the purpose of the rating procedure .
5 The hon. Member for Foyle ( Mr. Hume ) has , much more eloquently than I could , told us of the damage that it does and the effect that it has on the young people of Northern Ireland because it gives them a future of either migration or unemployment .
6 that do explain a little bit about Abbey Life products and also have a copy of as well erm they might find that of help before I give them a call .
7 Now in those circumstances , and I can think of a number of schools where that works very well , the governing body is a very powerful force , for links out from the school into the outside world , not only into business and industry , but also into the L E A , and it 's actually quite a lot of schools quite like to have a County Councillor on their governing body because it gives them an in to the L E A at a policy-making , or an individual decision-making level .
8 Always be very aware of your childrens ' reaction when you tell them a particular babysitter is coming .
9 I 'm just one of the Star Councillors , but I was n't in the Star Room when you showed them the animal .
10 seventeen thousand pounds if he gave them a free cup of coffee .
11 Never ever wanted a puppy because it makes them a captive person
12 6 League Games have been played as to date ( 22.06.93 ) , with 1 draw , 2 wins and 3 losses ( we have to give them some sort of chance before we give them a good thrashing ) .
13 We sat and had a relaxing drink before we cooked them a typical English dinner of baked cod with new potatoes and vegetables , followed by rhubarb fool and cognac .
14 A SHOPLIFTER gave the two police officers who arrested her a shock when she sent them a Christmas card .
15 THE drivers who moaned about the parking problems at the Genesis concert at Knebworth because it took them a long time to get out make me mad .
16 You 've got to be able to talk to people on their own level , you get the best out of people if you treat them a certain way .
17 The Act was welcomed by many old people because it gave them a regular income free from the taint of poor relief ; though many , rightly , criticized it for giving ‘ too little too late in life ’ , that little was more than had been given before .
18 Indeed , Eleanor Rathbone condemned what she viewed as the selfishness of middle class women who , having got ‘ all they wanted for themselves out of the women 's movement when it gave them the vote , the right to stand for Parliament and the local authorities , and to enter the learned professions ’ , then sat back .
19 For those who are wondering why I have this set-up , the three were introduced at a small size when I thought them a male and two females ; and I am unwilling to upset a settled pair by unnecessarily removing the decor and setting two with a net !
20 To be honest it would be between the portfolios as you call them the the folders and erm probably that the golfing thing .
21 Both sexes like the idea that women pretend , men because it confirms their suspicion that their partners are basically frigid and devious manipulators , women because it gives them a delicious sense of power to think that the delirium which men fondly ascribe to their virile prowess is no more than a hollow civility , like laughing at Grandpa 's jokes .
22 Girls of various shapes and sizes paraded in front of the boys while she told them the prices so that they would be sure they had enough money on them .
23 They particularly enjoy dealing with Orcs as it gives them a chance to outwit their larger and more brutal cousins .
24 Then , with their pack gaining the upper hand , Rugby once again benefited from Mr Lander 's judgment when he awarded them a penalty try .
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