Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pron] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The seats are excellent too , with support where it 's needed and basically good driving position , adjustable for height .
2 Those clamps had to be locked at the Air Force base where they were loaded So they would have to have a key there .
3 The French government tried to save money by accrediting the consul-general it sent to Japan in 1858 also as chargé d'affaires ( a device quite often used outside Europe , mainly in minor Latin-American states where it was expected that political relations would be very much subordinate to commercial ones ) .
4 The lucky ones are saved by the Pet Rescue Scheme and subsequently found homes where they are loved and looked after by more caring individuals or families .
5 It was impossible to be euphemistic about the basic facts of nature when one lived on a stud farm , Harry told himself as he watched Cora-Beth rise from the swing seat where they were sitting and walk across the veranda into the house to fetch a fresh jug of lemonade .
6 AA rosettes were introduced to highlight hotels and restaurants where it was judged that the food could be specially recommended .
7 At the end of week six , I had a medical interview where it was decided that due to hurricane Gilbert there was no medical facility adequate for my medical needs ; I 'm asthmatic .
8 She was led away into a crisp-looking cell where she was measured and weighed ; a careful , polite pair of hands found a vein in her strong arm and removed a vial of her blood .
9 Over at Pratt 's , the St James ' club where it is said that Tory leaders were made and unmade in the old days , you would never have guessed there was an election on .
10 Detention of a whole class may technically still be lawful , although it is becoming increasingly likely that a judge would have doubts about the reasonableness of this course of action where it is known that there may only be one or two culprits .
11 Tight control was the key so it was decided that a Management Committee of four men be invited to run the Club during the War .
12 The expressions simplify a good deal once it is noted that the most significant contributions come from terms containing which are important when the probe passes across the region where .
13 This attitude is fine if you can afford to have your machine out of action until it is repaired and replace components which have failed through neglect .
14 We will pay up to a total of £100 for personal belongings in or on your car if they are lost or damaged because of accident , fire or theft .
15 We will pay up to a total of £100 for personal belongings in or on your car if they are lost or damaged because of accident , fire or theft .
16 After emigration , mononuclear phagocytes may remain as immobile tissue macrophages for several months until they are stimulated or activated .
17 We have seen that decisions and acts may be subject to judicial review if they are made or done in the exercise of public functions , whether those functions are conferred by statute or common law or neither .
18 The cost in foregone earnings of bearing two children has been estimated at £119,000 if they are born when the mother is in her early 20s to £121,000 if they are born when the mother is in her mid-30s ( Joshi 1987a ) .
19 According to Richard Feigen , ‘ It does the art dealing profession a lot of harm if they are perceived as traffickers of stolen merchandise … dealers have to be able to stand behind what they represent , and know that it was bought legally otherwise you lose your client 's trust ’ .
20 It would do him no harm if it was known that his stepdaughter was attending a reputable and expensive crammer .
21 A third party right can not be revoked or modified by the parties if it is established that the right was not intended to be so revocable or modifiable without the third party 's consent .
22 There is nothing wrong with subjects provided they are treated as means not ends and as long as everyone is clear about what is to be achieved through them .
23 No elections were held in the predominantly Tamil Northern and Eastern Provinces because it was judged that the Tamil Tiger terrorists would have set about disrupting them .
24 Questions relating to an offence may not be put to a person after he has been charged with that offence , or informed that he may be prosecuted for it , unless they are necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to some other person or to the public or for clearing up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement , or where it is in the interests of justice that the person should have put to him and have an opportunity to comment on information concerning the offence which has come to light since he was charged or informed that he might be prosecuted .
25 The result of every accident , however minor , is a rise in the cost of insurance , the loss of the aircraft while it is replaced or repaired and , sometimes , injuries to the pilot and other people involved .
26 In order to close a loophole , the Commission also intends to apply the new laws to all drivers whether they are employed or independent .
27 He was given a suspended sentence and declared a disqualified person by the Jockey Club after it was discovered that a winning horse called Flockton Grey was a ringer .
28 He also advised her that there would be a delay of some months before she was admitted and strongly advised her to reduce her weight by 10 kg and to try hard to stop smoking prior to admission .
29 The contractor responds to this and obtains the ‘ Conditions of Tender ’ , a written specification of the form in which the tender must be submitted and any special undertakings required from the contractor before he is regarded as qualified to tender .
30 EUROPEAN Community officials were stoking fears last night of an all-out trade war with the United States after it was disclosed that British and other European steelmakers could face crippling new duties on exports to America .
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