Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pron] [vb past] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The cool cream , and the expert manipulation of her dancing fingers produced a hard-on like he 'd never had before .
2 There were thousands of paparazzi and fans because they 'd never had a world premiere in Houston before .
3 He says he almost refused to accept the card because he had never come across one before .
4 She did n't know the colour of his eyes because she had never looked into them .
5 These children had n't learnt to be afraid of animals because they had never heard of Earth , the Burning , or the Book of Remembering .
6 Hydroelectric schemes and dams , sometimes ill-conceived and subsequently damaging to the environment ; roads and cultivation ; forest clearance , often to make a quick profit : all these and many more ‘ improvements ’ drove the elephant into areas where it had never lived before .
7 His classmates had called him a sissie because he had never dared to dirty himself by climbing a wall or joining in any of their rough-and-tumble games .
8 I remembered this recently with all these people falling from express trains but did n't think it could be the same on local lines as I had never heard anyone complain before .
9 He was spending money like I 'd never seen .
10 No , I mean , strangely enough that was one of the things that almost put me off the relationship in the first place because I 'd never had any desire to be a mother .
11 Tears had run on his cheeks as she had never seen tears coming from an adult man before .
12 This came as a surprise to the band as they had never agreed to play the concert at all and they immediately issued a statement to this effect , fearing that many of their fans were being lured into buying tickets for a Smiths free event .
13 I think it 's about , I do n't know whether it 's three or four , these men in the radio tower which at that day cos you 'd never had a , a radio tower .
14 Most Christians had a strong reserve towards that polytheism that pervaded society , which is not to say that there were not quiet compromisers , like the Christians of southern Spain early in the fourth century who held official cultic positions in the worship of Jupiter , or the bishop of Troy who could painlessly apostatize under Julian because he had never ceased to pray to the sun-god .
15 I liked the experience because I had never done it .
16 A MAN who complained of 17 years of hounding by the television licensing authority although he had never owned a TV set won a remarkable legal battle and £5,500 expenses yesterday .
17 Perhaps it would have been better for the apple if it had never had ideas above its station , if it had never started carrying around so much symbolic baggage .
18 In the Old Testament Book of Job , Satan questioned the integrity of Job 's faith in God because he had never suffered .
19 Camille , of course , did not care a bit since she had never felt the need of such things .
20 He 'd be much more a man if he 'd never met you . ’
21 She looked at Margaret with a question in her eyes and when she nodded felt a burst of happiness like she had never felt before .
22 She would n't enjoy sex with another man when she had never enjoyed it with him .
23 It was in fact the little river Enborne , twelve to fifteen feet wide and at this time of year two or three feet deep with spring rain , but to the rabbits it seemed immense , such a river as they had never imagined .
24 As I recall it had all started about three months ago when Miss Court first joined the group of church helpers but she was more of a helper as we had never seen her at church before .
25 Then , for five minutes at least , he was still again , and then , when he knew he was talking with God , his arm went around my shoulder and there came up from the depth of his heart such petitions for men as I had never heard be-fore .
26 ‘ It 's just a matter of agreeing compensation with them , ’ said Jannie , leading Tessa in and out of rooms impregnated with such poverty and squalor as she had never dreamt existed .
27 Minutes later he 'phoned back and asked how to place a bet because he 'd never done it before .
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