Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pron] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Bruce 's forces were defeated first in Methven wood by the English , and then beside Loch Tay by Comyn 's uncle , the Lord of Lorn The king 's sister and the Countess of Buchan who had crowned him were dragged out of sanctuary where they had been sent for safety , and exhibited in cages hanging from castle walls at Roxburgh and Berwick .
2 FitzAlan glanced over his shoulder , turning fully when he saw the ugly discolouration along her cheekbone and the narrow line of dried blood where she had been cut by a ring .
3 I stared into the mirror , expecting to see huge marks like red flowers blazing on my mouth where I had been kissed , but I looked just the same as I always did .
4 The police had been called to a youth club where they had been asked by one of the supervisors to assist in excluding trespassers before the evening 's festivities got under way .
5 In 1980 , coming back from a hospital in the States where I had been told that I ought to have an operation ( interestingly on my throat — it was as though all the tension caused by what I could not say was caught up there ) , I saw that I had to be free of this .
6 It would be extremely unattractive to any group of workers or management to enter a serious bid if they had been told by the Scottish Office that the bid was so contemptible that it would not even qualify for assistance if it failed because another bid from within the same management or work force had been judged as superior .
7 But no steps were to be taken to put them into effect until they had been communicated to the king , who , when he had satisfied himself that they had been made without prejudice , would decide what was to be done .
8 The librarian came back and said ‘ yes ’ , it was quite in order , as long as Roland was very careful not to disturb the sequence of the interleaved fragments until they had been listed and described .
9 There is no reason at all to suppose that the policies of these states would have been more intelligent or less influenced by fear and ambition if they had been decided by parliaments elected on the widest and fairest franchise possible and carried out by diplomatic services freed from social distinctions .
10 Partial implementation of the system has already shown benefits : half the usual number of engineering changes on one new model ; on another , cost savings of $300m thanks to early suggestions from sections of the company that would not normally have seen designs until they had been fixed .
11 ‘ It is not necessary to consider what would have been the effect of the payment of £20 if it had been made in full satisfaction of the demand against Hunter .
12 A GUNMAN slaughtered six people in cold blood because he had been evicted .
13 When I got my first job out of training it was at Worthing in a juvenile leading role and I got my Equity card because I had been chosen .
14 When an exasperated Bassett eventually did tell them to shut up , two of them immediately demanded police action because THEY had been offended and an investigation ensued .
15 ‘ I only stepped in at Royalbion because you 'd been knocked out .
16 Puddephat had refused to take his place at a formal dinner to welcome the new master of his college because he had been placed opposite Dr Theodore Sykes , a fellow member of the English faculty .
17 ‘ You were afraid of the light because you 'd been taught to be afraid of it , ’ said Rachaela .
18 Two groups of patients were studied : one who had had coronary angiography because they had been given thrombolytic therapy for coronary disease , and another who had had coronary angiography due to chronic stable angina ( Figure 3 ) .
19 Senior American officials were quick to dismiss it as propaganda which would not even warrant a formal reply since it had been issued through Tass .
20 For him , life began to turn on a Sunday evening two weeks ago in his Bratislava prison cell after he had been pardoned by the country 's president , Mr Gustav Husak .
21 It was also said that if the bow should move of its own accord after it had been draped it was a bad omen .
22 Earlier this year , Frankë 's manager Jake Fior went to see Virgin about revitalising the cut after it had been sampled by Sweden 's Swemix crew under the Sound Factory banner and released to some success under its original title .
23 Aung San Suu Kyi 's expulsion from the NLD , some two months after she had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize , was the latest attempt by the ruling junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , to undermine her position as the main symbol of opposition to military rule .
24 The students say they dropped legal action after they 'd been promised full consultation , as the Visitor of Somerville College , Lord Roy Jenkins had insisted last year .
25 The students say they dropped legal action after they 'd been promised full consultation , as the Visitor of Somerville College , Lord Roy Jenkins had insisted last year .
26 This was a welcome change from the approach of the House of Lords majority in Home Office v Harman , decided a few years earlier , which held that a solicitor committed contempt by showing the other side 's private documents to a journalist after they had been read out in open court .
27 The court stated obiter that there is no reason why a section 2(2) notice should not be issued to the applicant after he had been charged , but this statement was accompanied by the clear and crucial corollary that the person who had been charged would have first to be cautioned and questions could only be put for the paragraph 16.5 purposes .
28 Since she had been working more or less at full stretch before she 'd been given the extra work to do , there was only one way she could fit more work into her day , and that was by working late at the office , then going home with a bulging briefcase .
29 The undeveloped film was found in her handbag after she 'd been shot in an ambush by Islamic fundamentalists , while on holiday in Egypt a month ago .
30 Typical of his best work , much of which he had no opportunity to revise , are ‘ Barbury Camp ’ , written at Marlborough , ‘ The Song of the Ungirt Runners ’ , and his last poem , ‘ When you see Millions of the Mouthless Dead ’ , scribbled in pencil and discovered in his kitbag after he had been killed .
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