Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pron] [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 They 've not in the past shown themselves to be very honest erm nor very keen on going into their own archives , and I think it 's , actually takes people like me , who live on the border-lines if you like of the two cultures , to go in and discover erm sometimes embarrassing documents , embarrassing information , to confront them with it , in their own language , so that they have to take stock .
2 They clearly have social , economic and political ramifications and affect man 's relationship with his fellow man : all men are brothers because they partake of the same reality and share the same Ātman .
3 Constance smiled in the dark as she thought of the chaste kisses she had allowed Nicky .
4 A smile came to his lips as he thought of the thing he had bought Fei Yen that very evening , after he had come from the boy .
5 Remember George Seawright when you speak of the brave ,
6 Remember George Seawright when you speak of the brave ,
7 Ask voters to say what comes to mind when they think of the Labour Party and a large proportion mention , ‘ the unions ’ , ‘ strikes ’ , ‘ the winter of discontent ’ , and ‘ the three-day week ’ , even though this last event occurred under Mr Heath .
8 By the very nature of our work , we Met girls knew many more of the air crews than we did of the ground staff .
9 What of course you 're saying here , it comes out here in 's letter , er , the structure , because er you said earlier that you realize now that we 're looking , we 're filling in the , in the gaps if you like of the local organizations .
10 Labour was moving on as a renewed party — ‘ a party that cares as much about consumers as it cares about producers ; a party that wants to make the economy work as much as it wants to change the economy ; a party that embraces as much of the green as it does of the red ’ .
11 On occasions Mr Parry was seen to wring his hands as he struggled with his emotions when he spoke of the impact of recent events , since the double IRA bomb blast cut down Tim and three-year-old Johnathan Ball in Warrington town centre on Saturday March 20 .
12 He showed the notarised notebooks of April 1986 demonstrating the range of materials , including not just palladium but several other metals , that was being used two and a half years before they learned of the work by Fleischmann and Pons .
13 I bow my head in shame when I think of the countries we 've looted and the people we 've subjugated .
14 the Far East , including Japan , Australasia and South America are among the areas that bring a gleam to his eye when he talks of the future .
15 Goodness when I think of the moving they must have done , the trunks they must have packed .
16 With some exceptions , the gentry and clergy readily accepted the Restoration in 1660 ; few went as far as the Reverend Dr William Oughtred who , at the age of 86 , ‘ died of excess of joy when he heard of the restoration of the monarchy ’ .
17 We went about a mile before they tired of the effort involved , and I did n't mean to go much further in any case because according to the map I had in my pocket we were by then in about the centre of the western spur of the Quillersedge woods .
18 IRISH Prime Minister Albert Reynolds came under Unionist fire last night after he spoke of the importance of the Republic 's constitution to nationalists north of the border .
19 Membership of an economic community requires the acceptance of a financial obligation to fund the objectives of the organisation whether they consist of the limited objectives of a regional trading group , or the more extensive objectives of an economic union .
20 Harper 's voice had a note of relish as he spoke of the fighting to Lucille .
21 Mary Warnock provides a scathing analysis of the government 's attitude to higher education when she writes of the contempt that the government has for universities and their staff :
22 She would look at him sideways , smile at unexpected moments , and while she was never coarse there was the vaguest suggestion of the gentlest possible obscenity as she spoke of the bodies of animals .
23 The group least represented in proportion to its population , Sinhalese Buddhists , accounted for an even smaller proportion of sergeants than they did of the force as a whole .
24 And then there would be a few more trees around the , the back area if you like of the erm er marketplace .
25 And if you notice what we 're trying to do is with our er illustration here er is to reflect the the gentility if you like of the Yorkshire hills and Yorkshire dales and we have a logo of our own which appears in the corner of the screen .
26 For example if you think of the Vauxhall Cavalier advert where they 're crashing these Cavaliers all over the place , if you had a silicone er a silicon-based steel instead of crumpling nicely the steel would actually crack and break .
27 Educated at Luddesdown before taking his degree at Oxford in 1738 , he was well acquainted with this area for he writes of the old Chapel at Upper Hailing .
28 Christian attorney Constance Cumbey goes a step further in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow when she writes of the ‘ coming age of barbarism ’ , and describes the New Agers as a ‘ viable movement that truly meets the scriptural requirements for the Antichrist and the political movement that will bring him on the world scene ’ .
29 Does this point lose its edge if we think of the differences as socially rather than naturally produced ?
30 Sophie said shortly , ‘ I 'm sure she will , ’ then relapsed into silence and tried to hide her apprehension as she thought of the task that lay ahead .
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