Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [noun] [unc] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Finally she fought , trying to escape that devastating possession , twisting her head frantically from side to side until Luke 's hands came up to still her struggles .
2 COLM MURPHY looks back to the future as Clandeboye 's golfers prepare for an All-Ireland double assault in the national Cup and Shield finals at Woodbrook next weekend .
3 From childish disappointment when Anne 's parents forget to attend the school play , to the adolescent discoveries in the town park .
4 This seems a more satisfactory way of looking at the possibility that a society may be an organic unity than Moore 's principles allow .
5 So he calls the heart a wild beast liable to impulsive leaps out of control , a situation archetypally illustrated in the story of the Fall when Eve 's eyes leapt to the apple and her heart followed and so she leapt from Paradise to the pains of mortality and took all men with her .
6 Quorum , the other Mac-on-Unix pioneer , maintains that market research indicates that users are not interested in having a second platform on their machines which is what Apple is essentially proposing to do but would rather have their Mac apps available under Motif as Quorum 's products offer .
7 Shock and outrage quelled all other emotions as Gina 's eyes flaxed wider in astonishment .
8 Oh , I can read the signs as well as anyone , ’ Dora went on in a sudden surge of indignation as Melissa 's eyebrows lifted .
9 She arched her neck in delight as Travis 's lips left hers and set out in a heated exploration of the sensitive skin of her throat .
10 Certainly our brains occupy a much larger proportion of our body than elephants ' brains do , as is evident from the bulging shape of our skulls .
11 The Soviet Union may now be a tamer neighbour , but with more tanks and guns than NATO-Europe 's armies combined , and with its nuclear missiles pointing westwards , it still poses a big potential danger .
12 ‘ Goalden ’ strike as Bingham 's men reap triumph hat-trick THE MIGHTY QUINN
13 Customs duties on imported alcohol were producing more than 60 per cent of a total duty yield of £7 million in 1800 , although this was in part because Pitt 's reforms had cut the duties on tea .
14 This was in marked contrast to the result of the Oct. 3 first round where Collor 's supporters took nine out of the 10 state governorships which had been finalized [ see also p. 37773-74 ; see below for subsequent annulling of Alagoas result ] .
15 Northampton-based portable computer peripherals supplier Ranger Computers Ltd has introduced a new version of its RangerDisk3 personal computer compatible floppy disk drive for use with Psion Plc Series 3 handheld computers : it is intended as more convenient means of backing up or transferring Series 3 files than Psion 's Comms Link ; RangerDisk3 has its own version of MS-DOS and connects to the Series 3 via a Psion serial adaptor ; it can be used with the 128Kb and 256Kb models ; the operating software is built in so avoiding the need for program installation on the Series 3 ; file transfer is by the XModem protocol ; it is £200 from Ranger .
16 After an initial payment of £500,000 , Mr Tyrie and his partners would receive a lump sum of £2million if Norfolk 's shares reached 50p and a further £5million if they topped 60p .
17 ‘ And this , ’ Donal added in obvious amusement when Feargal 's eyes did n't once waver from his companion , ‘ is Ellie ! ’
18 I sat outside beneath the upturned colander of the night sky until Dennis 's snores had settled into a consistent rhythm , then made my way inside the house and across the living area to the door behind which Karen lay naked .
19 Firbas ' notions of context-dependence/independence are therefore purely linguistic and do not extend to the psychological aspect of communication as Halliday 's notions do .
20 Alpacas gave wool and meat and their feet do not impact and damage the soil as cows ' hooves do .
21 I nestled my shoulders against the pillar a little more firmly and sipped from my glass as Jamie 's feet beat against my chest and the howling , crashing music thundered through the sweaty room .
22 Their voices faded into the background as Isabel 's eyes came to rest on the third horse .
23 Women giggled while men in the audience whistled and shouted — orange-showered down for the Gallery — wags shouted encouragement as Hubert 's eyes bulged under the strain of it all .
24 The brewery was asked by the Civil War Centre to sponsor two of the key events in the pageant — the entry of King Charles and his Scottish army into Worcester in 1651 and his escape from the city when Cromwell 's forces routed his troops .
25 He also accused the Tories of ‘ double standards ’ in enforcing a 1.5% ceiling on public-sector pay while bosses ' salaries rise ever upwards .
26 It was almost a purr as Lotta 's eyes blazed a totally false smile at her .
27 One night they almost snapped an axle when Jed 's eyes fell shut and the car left the highway and began to lurch across dry yellow grass .
28 Home Guardsmen drilled with pikestaffs as Hitler 's generals laid plans for a triumphant leap across the Channel .
29 British Airways chief Lord King ‘ must have been delighted with his 64 per cent pay rise as BA 's profits rose by only 19 per cent , ’ says the report .
30 Lewis , he concluded , had seen the money rolling into the Southampton branch as Wilson 's efforts had brought negotiations with the employers in that port to a satisfactory conclusion .
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