Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's my fault , ’ he said later when she was sitting up , her eyes gazing blankly at the opposite wall .
2 Father Barnes was sitting bolt upright on his chair , his eyes staring ahead at the gleaming curve of the apse , his body taut and contracted , like that of a patient expecting pain , willing himself to endure .
3 She leapt to her feet mopping furiously at the small wet patch on her skirt .
4 One of the earliest documented encounters took place in AD 109 when a dolphin befriended a boy swimming offshore at the Roman settlement of Hippo in northern Africa , and thereafter returned day after day to play with other children , who slowly overcame their initial fear .
5 And she saw old Billy , his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth .
6 Meanwhile Ali Christie was sitting in the Pavilion Gallery in Brook Street staring morosely at the gilt-framed picture of his wife on the desk .
7 The young German eventually got in front with seven laps remaining when Senna 's McLaren appeared to develop a technical problem , Schumacher squeezing past at the final hairpin .
8 The typhoon shelters at Aberdeen and Mong Kok start to fill with craft , their prudent masters and owners looking uneasily at the eastern sky as it blackens and darkens , and as the wind begins to sing in the telephone wires , the unsecured edges of roofs begin to flap and creak , and the streets are busy with flying litter , and dust .
9 I 'm the sort of fellow who , after a hard day slogging away at the National Theatre , goes home and dips into a much-treasured , well-thumbed copy of Pope or Pepys .
10 Oates ( 1985 ) , among others , offers some counter-arguments and finds the empirical evidence lacking both at the international level and in the state-local sectors in the USA .
11 I could see the neighbours looking curiously at the big box he had with him .
12 His stride shortened ; his legs felt leaden ; his breathing , till now perceptible only in a slight flaring of the nostrils , became harsh and ragged , his mouth wide open , his teeth biting desperately at the intangible air .
13 He stood scowling out , fat fingers scratching idly at the blue stubble on his chin .
14 At that time there was only one other customer , an old man standing quietly at the far end , near the door .
15 As a financial centre with an open economy , as a trade intersection between Europe and the Middle East with a lucrative port in its capital , as a comparatively ‘ free ’ nation amid the dictatorships of the Arab world , Lebanon was to be blessed with the indulgence of both East and West , its modern-day caravanserais arriving hourly at the new international airport at Khalde .
16 The simplest involves displaying a large eye-spot marking somewhere at the rear end of the body .
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