Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [conj] he [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 And then his iron control seemed to give way for a moment , his fingers clenching as he pulled her roughly against him .
2 She was relieved to see that her son 's tour of the palaces had left his eyes shining and he greeted her with something approaching his normal smile .
3 He gazed down at her almost fiercely , his voice breaking as he told her , ‘ I can not endure another day like the last two weeks . ’
4 ‘ How dare you do this to me ? ’ he bit out hoarsely , his hands shaking as he held her , his face darkly flushed with rage .
5 Fran must have made some noise , some movement , some tiny betraying gesture , because he swung round , his face hardening when he saw her in the doorway .
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