Example sentences of "[noun] [num] that it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF ) announced on Jan. 1 that it was freeing 10,000 Ethiopian prisoners of war .
2 Nevertheless Krebs AG announced on March 10 that it was withdrawing from the project at the request of the Swiss government .
3 In a move virtually unprecedented among Gulf states , the government announced on July 2 that it was amending its trade laws to allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned companies .
4 The United States government announced on July 30 that it was to scale down or close 79 of its defence bases in Europe , following its January 1991 decision to halve its military presence in Europe .
5 The Bundesbank announced on Aug. 30 that it was to honour some DM250,000,000 of outstanding interest payments which were still due on a debt agreement reached in 1953 with its Western creditors .
6 The UN had announced on Sept. 30 that it was suspending its humanitarian operations in southern Sudan .
7 Within the Russian republic the Communists for Democracy movement , led by Rutskoi and formed at the March-April 1991 Russian Congress of People 's Deputies [ for which see pp. 38130-31 ] , announced on July 10 that it was to form a political party .
8 The European Commission announced on July 31 that it was dropping legal action against the United Kingdom in five out of seven cases where UK plans had been deemed to infringe EC environmental assessment directives .
9 The government announced on Aug. 5 that it was lowering the age limit to 20 for those seeking an exit visa to travel abroad .
10 The Foreign Ministry announced on Sept. 18 that it was downgrading diplomatic relations with Israel , which was refusing to appoint an ambassador while Waldheim remained President .
11 The separatist Eritrean People 's Liberation Front ( EPLF ) , which had co-operated with the EPRDF in a strategic alliance to bring down the Mengistu government , announced on May 29 that it was to set up its own provisional government in Eritrea , although it would recognize and co-operate with the EPRDF administration in Addis Ababa .
12 Hong Kong announced on May 3 that it was refusing to allow the ship into the colony .
13 The Iranian government accused the Saudi authorities of a " criminal conspiracy " to kill the pilgrims and charged it with " incompetence " in the construction of facilities and management of the holy sanctuaries in Mecca and Medina , announcing on July 13 that it was to file charges of murder against the Saudi government in the International Court of Justice at The Hague .
14 Canada announced on Sept. 16 that it was to send a squadron of CF-18 fighter aircraft and 450 troops .
15 Since mid-July there had been mounting press speculation of imminent military action by the US and its Western allies , following a US warning on July 16 that it was determined to enforce Iraqi compliance with UN Gulf war resolutions .
16 The Catalan separatist group Terre Lliure ( " Free Land " ) announced on July 15 that it was to dissolve .
17 The Italian government announced on July 20 that it was ending financial support for illegal refugees — a move seen as marking the beginning of a tougher policy .
18 The leadership of the Radical Civic Union ( UCR ) , the main opposition party , announced on Sept. 24 that it was ending all co-operation with the government .
19 The Turkish government announced on Aug. 19 that it was to recall the troops operating across the border .
20 The government announced on Aug. 20 that it was planning to open up for exploration by foreign oil companies areas that had hitherto been reserved for Indian state-owned companies .
21 ( The Monopolies and Mergers Commission announced in May 1990 that it was to investigate car pricing in Britain . )
22 On April 8 Brazil re-opened coffee exports for registration , after announcing on March 21 that it was suspending sales on international coffee markets until it had determined its position with regard to a new International Coffee Agreement .
23 The Australian airline Qantas reported on March 17 that it was facing " possibly the worst short-term financial position in its 70-year history " , because of losses expected to reach US$270,000,000 in the current financial year , and on March 21 Scandinavian Airlines System reported a $127,000,000 loss for 1990 .
24 The United Democratic Front ( UDF ) , the umbrella organization for some 600 anti-apartheid organizations since August 1983 , announced on March 4 that it was to cease its activities immediately and would formally disband in August .
25 The government announced on Oct. 2 that it was to postpone until the end of 1991 the enactment of a controversial bill which would have allowed Japan to send up to 2,000 troops abroad as part of its contribution to UN peacekeeping forces in Cambodia and elsewhere .
26 The rebel Movement for Democracy and Development ( MDD ) announced on Oct. 30 that it was repudiating reconciliation agreements which it had signed with the government in Libreville , Gabon , on June 24 [ see pp. 38952 ; 39132 ] .
27 The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) announced on Feb. 21 that it was allocating $1,000,000 in emergency funds for the refugees , which it estimated now totalled at least 100,000 and were crossing the border at the rate of 1,000 a day .
28 The 22nd meeting of the seventh standing committee of the National People 's Congress ( legislature ) on Oct. 25 was expected to approve a proposal that China accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) , following Premier Li Peng 's announcement in August of China 's acceptance of the treaty ; however Japan 's Kyodo News Service reported on Oct. 31 that it was agreed only to hold further discussions [ see also p. 38340 ] .
29 The Social Democratic Party of Japan ( SDPJ — formerly the Japan Socialist Party ) announced on Feb. 4 that it was declaring a total parliamentary boycott of the discussion of the budget , in support of its demands that former Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki ( in 1980-82 ) should be called to testify before the Diet on the question of his involvement with the Kyowa scandal .
30 The United States government stated on Oct. 5 that it was halting a commercial wheat shipment to Sudan until the distribution system was improved .
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