Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] in [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Crystals and gems grow in cavities far beneath the earth 's surface , when magma — molten rock from the earth 's hot core — forces its way into cracks in solid rock , such as granite .
2 COMPETITORS in one of Britain 's greatest sporting spectacles arrive in Liverpool today as the 1993 Milk Race enters its closing stages .
3 Among the weaver birds polygyny occurs in territories within a colony but these do not include a foraging area because the birds forage in flocks away from the breeding location .
4 Furthermore many fine pieces remain in use today as regalia or ecclesiastical accessories .
5 Thus plants take in nitrogen mainly in the form either of ammonia ( NH 3 ) or nitrate ( NO 3 ) , while animals obtain their nitrogen mostly in the form of protein .
6 THE national championships begin in Newcastle today with Martine Le Moignan , the world champion , and Del Harris , the England No.1 , defending their British titles in far less confident mood than would have been the case a few months ago .
7 Often the males moult in flocks separately from the females , and only after the second moult in autumn do they regain their finery and again join up with their wives .
8 People live in households often in different places from their work .
9 Bergamot ( Monarda didyma ) is a well-known border flower , which has all sorts of herbal attributes ; the clove pink or gillyflower ( Dianthus caryophyllus ) is the highly scented forerunner of the modern garden pinks and border carnations , and its single-petalled , rosy purple or white flowers grow in clusters late in the summer .
10 A MAN was under police guard in hospital today after being shot during a burglary .
11 Pollution taboos linger in Catholicism even for laywomen .
12 When this is done , the LIFESPAN display of the package contents will show the constituent modules ( even though the new ones exist in name only at this point ) .
13 1978 ) which provide an enterprise-based negotiating partner for management and are restricted by a ‘ peace obligation ’ , whereas trade unions operate in principle largely outside the workplace ( see Chapter 4 ) .
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