Example sentences of "[noun] [vb base] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The ASB 's proposals build on and develop those of the Accounting Standards Committee published as ED48 in 1990 .
2 That the worlds of business and education should learn from one another ought to be a truism , given that both worlds and cultures impinge on and shape most people 's lives .
3 For example , how can an adviser go into a school and give advice on procedures , and within weeks go in and inspect those same procedures in a censorial sense ?
4 You putting that bit of carpet down till your daddy come along and done that on it .
5 To my absolute horror I found that all my controls were completely frozen , I was quite certain I had seen the ground crew go round and remove all the external locks before I had climbed aboard .
6 I.e. we want to create the impression that we are good people to do business with , so our customers come back and buy more of our books , so that makes more money for the company , which means they can pay us more money .
7 Before you take out a loan sit down and list all the money coming in and what you will have to pay out .
8 People come out and commit more crimes .
9 Readers are at one , levels of sophistication vanish , in those cinematic sequences on stairs and landings , where footsteps echo and distant doors slam , and in a flat below two workmen fool about and daub each other with paint .
10 Once you have access to the BIOS setup screen go through and enter all of the details of the floppy disks and hard disk you are using and of course the date .
11 You can have some medicine come on and put some vaseline on your lips please
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